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Hunor Vadasz-Perhat
Hunor Vadasz-Perhat

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spring-018: are-command-line-arguments-common?

Short Answer: It depends on the use case.

Command-line arguments in Spring Boot are not commonly used in everyday production deployments, but they are extremely useful in specific scenarios. Here’s a practical breakdown of when and why they matter:

βœ… When Command-Line Arguments Are Useful

1. Quick Configuration Overrides (Without Changing Code)

πŸ“Œ Overrides or application.yml dynamically.

  • Use case: Adjusting configuration without modifying files (useful in CI/CD pipelines).
  • Example: Change the port on startup:
  java -jar app.jar --server.port=9090
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  • Why?
    • Handy for testing different settings quickly.
    • Allows configurable deployments without modifying environment variables.

2. CI/CD & Dockerized Deployments

πŸ“Œ Pass runtime parameters in Kubernetes, Docker, or cloud deployments.

  • Use case: Injecting environment-specific configurations.
  • Example (Docker Compose):
      image: my-spring-app
      command: ["java", "-jar", "app.jar", ""]
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  • Why?
    • Reduces reliance on config files in containerized environments.
    • Simplifies deployment workflows.

3. Feature Flags & A/B Testing

πŸ“Œ Enable/disable features dynamically.

  • Use case: Toggle features without restarting the app or redeploying.
  • Example:
  java -jar app.jar --feature.toggle.newUI=true
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  • Why?
    • Enables A/B testing or gradual feature rollouts.
    • Useful in staging environments where different versions of a feature need to be tested.

4. Scripted Automation & Local Development

πŸ“Œ Automate startup configurations for different environments.

  • Use case: Running local environments with different configs.
  • Example:
  mvn spring-boot:run"--debug=true"
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  • Why?
    • No need to edit every time you change an environment.
    • Simplifies local debugging and testing.

❌ When Command-Line Arguments Are NOT Ideal

1. Large-Scale Production Configurations

🚫 Why? Configurations should be managed via environment variables or external config files, not passed manually in the command line.

2. Sensitive Data (Passwords, API Keys)

🚫 Why? Command-line arguments are visible in process lists (ps aux), making them insecure for secrets.

βœ… Use Environment Variables Instead:

  export DB_PASSWORD="mysecretpass"
  java -jar app.jar
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3. Hard-to-Track Application Behavior

🚫 Why? If configurations change frequently via CLI arguments, debugging issues becomes harder.

βœ… Use Configuration Files Instead for better visibility.

Final Verdict: Useful, but Not Always Essential

Use Case Command-Line Arguments?
Quick testing & debugging βœ… Yes
CI/CD & cloud deployments βœ… Sometimes (useful in Docker, Kubernetes)
Feature toggles / A/B testing βœ… Yes
Sensitive credentials ❌ No (use environment variables instead)
Production environment configs ❌ No (use config files or config servers)

πŸ”Ή Takeaway

βœ… Command-line arguments are handy for quick overrides and automation.

βœ… They're useful in local development and CI/CD, but not ideal for production configs.

βœ… For persistent settings, use or external configuration files instead.

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