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How do you find mentors

Recently I started learning go, I wanted to learn a new backend language and after playing around a bit I started really enjoying it. However, being new to the language I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong or if there are better ways of doing things.

The question is...

How do you go about finding mentors or people to look over your code to provide a second opinion? Unfortunately, none of the people I work with knows go so I can't turn to them.

Are there any websites or places you go to find someone to help you learn concepts and provide feedback on your work?

Note: This doesn't have to be go specific, any guidance on the subject will be great!

Top comments (5)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

As a quick plug while wee await more thorough advice, I'll give a plug for which has a "seeking a mentor" category 😄

mxrcochxvez profile image
Marco Chavez

What I can recommend for you to do is trying to attend a lot of meetups nearby for what you are interested in learning and start networking. If you are friendly and people can tell that you care about learning you will have no problem finding a mentor. If the dev-fest goes anywhere near you I would recommend attending it.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

+1 on meetups

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth

have you tried ?

hurricaneinteractive profile image

No, I haven't, I will look into it. Thanks!