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hussein cheayto
hussein cheayto

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Only about 40% of workers in the US are engaged at work. As leaders, we want every member of our team to be engaged at work.
Well, how do you keep your employeed motivated, engaged and productive?
My way is to learn about what they want. Learn about what's important for them. Then try to help them build their dreams while working in your company.

What's yours?

Top comments (1)

becry1944 profile image
Catherine R. Longoria


There are several ways to increase employee engagement and productivity:

Setting clear goals: When employees know what they are striving for and what results are expected from them, it greatly increases their motivation. The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) system helps a lot with this. If you use Jira, I recommend reading the article, which explains in detail how to implement OKRs in Jira.

Regular Feedback: Regular feedback and constructive criticism help employees understand their strengths, weaknesses, and accomplishments.

Training and Development: Investing in employee development through training, courses and seminars contributes to their professional growth and increases productivity.

Recognition and reward: Recognizing employees' efforts and achievements, whether through verbal encouragement or tangible rewards, helps increase employee engagement and motivation.

Improving working conditions: Creating comfortable working conditions, providing the necessary resources and equipment also helps to increase productivity.

These steps will help you create a more motivated and productive team. Good luck!