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Ikponke Edet
Ikponke Edet

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A Tale of Two Frameworks: Angular and Svelte in Head-to-Head Competition

In the realm of web development, front-end development often steals the show, and for good reason. It's the artistic face of coding, where creativity meets technical skill. As web development continues to shape our digital landscape, it's essential to explore the various front-end technologies that bring websites to life. In this article, we'll start from the basics and delve into the similarities and differences of a commonly used front-end framework, Angular and Svelte. Although they share similar functionalities, these frameworks have distinct differences in their approaches and implementations.

In addition will talk about React which is widely used in HNG internship

What is Frontend Development?
Frontend of a websites is everything you can see and interact using your browser as an end user and also the processes happening in the background . Therefore frontend relates to the browser and user interfaces/ interactions

*Frontend Technologies *
Frontend technologies are those set of technologies used by a frontend developer to developer the user interface of web pages and applications and shaping the overall user experience. frontend technologies aid create everything from the design and structure to animation we see on the screen while opening a web application, mobile app or a website.
However, here’s a list of front-end web technologies that you’ll always need to be an excellent UI Developer; HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Svelte, Next.js, Vue, Flutter, TypeScript, Visual studio code(IDE), Gatsby, Three.js, GraphQL,NPM, etc

Lets delve into Svelte and Angular

*Svelte at a Glance *
Svelte is a versatile JavaScript framework that enables developers to build everything from small application components to full-scale applications. Unlike React and Vue, which rely on virtual DOMs and runtime operations, Svelte's core principle is based on compile-time code execution. This approach results in faster development, smaller bundles, and improved performance. Svelte's simplicity and familiarity make it easy to learn and write, using standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a few additional extensions. While Svelte excels at building lightweight applications, its companion framework, SvelteKit, enables the creation of more complex applications with features like routing and server-side rendering. The key features of Svelte include;
Compile-Time Advantage: Svelte's unique approach sets it apart from other frameworks, performing most tasks at compile time. This results in faster applications with smaller bundles.

  • Reactive Programming Paradigm: Svelte employs declarative reactive programming, leveraging asynchronous techniques to efficiently update application UI, streamlining state management.

  • Direct DOM Manipulation: Thanks to its compile-time approach, Svelte bypasses the need for a virtual DOM, directly updating the DOM after compilation, resulting in enhanced performance."

  • Integrated State Management: Unlike frameworks that rely on external libraries, Svelte features built-in state management, simplifying state management across components and enhancing overall application stability.

Benefits of Svelte

  • Easy to learn and master, even for developers new to framework development *Supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR) for enhanced SEO and performance
  • Lightning-fast and lightweight, thanks to its compile-time approach
  • Dependency-free, ensuring your application is secure and vulnerability-free"

Shortcomings of Svelte

  • Fewer resources and libraries
  • Less suitable for large-scale applications
  • Limited scalability and complexity handling

Angular Essentials
Developed by Google, Angular is a versatile framework for building efficient single-page applications (SPAs). Its foundation is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates application functionality into:

  • User interfaces (View)
  • Data (Model)
  • Logic (Controller)

This separation enables maximum scalability and maintainability in complex applications. Built with TypeScript, Angular offers:

  • Type-checking and structured development
  • Two-way data-binding for seamless model-view synchronization
  • Built-in support for dependency injection
  • Improved modularity through organized codebases

With Angular, develop robust, efficient, and scalable applications with a strong foundation in MVC architecture and TypeScript support

Benefits of Angular

  • large and active community
  • provides seamless typescript support
  • well -suited for building large0scale application

Shortcomings of Angular

  • Larger bundle size due to the injection of various dependencies
  • Relies on some third-party libraries to run, which can lead to complexities in codebases or compatibility when migrating to newer versions
  • Relatively steep learning curve.

Similarities of Svelte and Angular

  • Both Svelte and Angular are used for developing web applications
  • Both have extensive features and active communities
  • Both offer tools for handling dependencies, states, and UI rendering

Differences of Svelte and Angular

  • Svelte uses a reactive system and focuses on the view layer while Angular uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture

Learning Curve:
-Svelte has a gentler learning curve while Angular has a steeper learning curve


  • Svelte has a compile-time approach and is faster while Angular has a virtual DOM overhead

Data Binding:

  • Svelte utilizes a reactive system based on derived values while Angular employs two-way data binding

Tooling and Ecosystem:

  • Svelte has a smaller but rapidly growing ecosystem while Angular has a large array of third-party libraries and modules

Community and Support:

  • Svelte has a smaller community but is rapidly growing while Angular enjoys a large, active, and well-established community

Empowering Development with React at HNG
The HNG internship is a dynamic bootcamp that arms talents with a diverse range of digital skills and also in a dynamic way footers teamwork/ collaboration and growth.

Why React ? The UI Powerhouse

React, developed by Facebook in 2013, is a JavaScript library that revolutionizes building user interfaces. Its component-based architecture empowers developers to craft reusable UI components, streamlining code maintenance and scalability. Industry giants like Facebook, Pinterest, Netflix, Bloomberg, Dropbox, Instagram, Shopify, and Discord rely on React. Key features include:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Encourages reusable components for efficient code management.
  • Virtual DOM: Optimizes rendering for faster performance.
  • JSX Syntax: Enables HTML-like code writing in JavaScript for enhanced readability.
  • Strong Ecosystem: Offers extensive libraries and tools for routing, state management, and more.

As a frontend intern, I'm excited to leverage React's versatility and component-based architecture to deliver seamless user experiences.
React's declarative syntax streamlines development, fostering efficiency and performance.

I'm thrilled to be part of the HNG family, building scalable and intuitive web applications with React. This internship offers a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals in my niche, while enhancing my frontend skills.

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