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Atif Riaz
Atif Riaz

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7 Easy Steps to Secure a WordPress Site ๐Ÿ”

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WordPress is so widely used, any programmer working with it has to take great care to harden it against external attacks.

In a single incident last year alone, almost a million websites were attacked in a single month.

But there are some things you can do that will harden a WordPress site against attacks that will stop all but the most sophisticated threats.

Here are the 7 security steps to take on every WordPress site you work with:

  1. Update WordPress to the Latest Version
  2. Remove Unused Plugins and Update the Rest
  3. Minimize User Permissions and Secure Logins
  4. Disable PHP Execution in Untrusted Folders
  5. Disable PHP Error Display
  6. Disable Theme and Plugin Editing
  7. Change site database default table prefix to something obscure

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