I need some SLQ help that I will then use within Tableau to create some custom stuff. Thanks in advance!
I am building a visual for time in status for issues. I have some issues that went into a 'working' state multiple times. I need to aggregate that into one collective qty of time in that state.
[Issue ID]
,[Status Name]
,[Status Category]
,IIF([Status Exit Datetime] is null, GETDATE(), [Status Enter Datetime]) as 'EXIT Date'
,SUM([No Of Seconds in Current Status]) AS 'seconds in state'
INTO #tempTable
WHERE [Issue ID] = '7928712'
GROUP BY [Status Name],[Status Category], [Issue ID],[Status Enter Datetime] ,[Status Exit Datetime]
SELECT * FROM #tempTable
This is what I am getting.
I need to return the 'working' rows as one row?
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