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Weird JavaScript

I wrote a story titled 'Weird JavaScript' on Medium. This story tells some weird parts of JavaScript.
Here is the link:

Top comments (4)

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited
  • Auto-type coercion (on operation), instead of throwing errors is a big quirk to me.
  • Another quirk I meet sometimes (and leads to error) is [] + [], which does not throw an error in TypeScript. Also, TypeScript is not strongly typed. It is only IDE-typed, and IDE can be denied.
  • 0.1 + 0.2 is very normal --
iamsahithyan profile image

I didn't say JS is perfect. It's my favorite programming language. Because it has many pros compared to other langauges and it suits me better than any other programming language.

And having a thousands of transpilers is another advantages of JavaScript in my POV.

So don't play the Devil's advocate because I am the judge here.

iamsahithyan profile image

Thank you for respecting my comments. ๐Ÿ‘

iamsahithyan profile image

I don't think, JavaScript is a dangerous minefield.
I love JavaScript a lot. More than any other programming language.