DEV Community

Sajid Javed
Sajid Javed

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Dockized environment for WordPress development

In this post, I will show you how its easy to setup the dockized development environment for WordPress.

  1. The very first step is to clone this repository
  2. Now go inside docker-compose-wordpress directory and change the docker-compose.yml file as per your needs. You may need to change the passwords and ports etc.
  3. After finishing the configuration just run docker-compose up . This command will first pull all the images from the dockerhub and then will create containers for you.
  4. On the fourth step, you should create database for your WordPress project. Access http://localhost:8081 if you have not change the port. Enter the user and password to login. Don't need to enter the host . Keep the host empty. 5. The fifth step is to access WordPress. Enter http://localhost:8000 if you have not changed the port. You will see the WordPress installation page.
  5. Finish the WordPress installation.

That's it!

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