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NCAA Game Highlights

Highlight Processors

This project utilizes RapidAPI to fetch NCAA game highlights within a Docker container and leverages AWS MediaConvert to process and convert the media files.

File Overview

The script carries out the following functions:

  • It imports essential environment variables and maps them to Python variables, assigning default values when necessary.
  • This method ensures flexible configuration management, allowing different settings for various environments (e.g., development, staging, production) without altering the source code.

The script performs the following actions:

Establishes the date and league that will be used to find highlights. We are using NCAA in this example because it's included in the free version.
This will fetch the highlights from the API and store them in an S3 bucket as a JSON file (basketball_highlight.json)

The performs the following actions:

Connects to the S3 bucket and retrieves the JSON file.
Extracts the first video URL from within the JSON file.
Downloads the video fiel from the internet into the memory using the requests library.
Saves the video as a new file in the S3 bucket under a different folder (videos/)
Logs the status of each step

The performs the following actions:

Creates and submits a MediaConvert job
Uses MediaConvert to process a video file - configures the video codec, resolution and bitrate. Also configured the audio settings
Stores the processed video back into an S3 bucket

The performs the following actions:
Runs the scripts in a chronological order and provides buffer time for the tasks to be created.

The .env file stores all over the environment variables, these are variables that we don't want to hardcode into our script.

The Dockerfile performs the following actions:
Provides the step by step approach to build the image.

The Terraform Scripts:
These scripts are used to created resources in AWS in a scalable and repeatable way. All of the resources we work with like S3, creating IAM user roles, elastic registry service and elastic container services is built here.


Before running the scripts, ensure you have the following:

1. Create Rapidapi Account account, will be needed to access highlight images and videos.

For this example we will be using NCAA (USA College Basketball) highlights since it's included for free in the basic plan.

Sports Highlights API is the endpoint we will be using

2. Verify prerequites are installed in your Local Environment

  • Ensure Docker should is pre-installed in most regions. you can check by typing docker --version

  • Ensure AWS CloudShell has AWS CLI can check by typing aws --version

  • Ensure Python3 is pre-installed also python3 --version

3. Retrieve AWS Account ID

Copy your AWS Account ID Once logged in to the AWS Management Console Click on your account name in the top right corner You will see your account ID Copy and save this somewhere safe because you will need to update codes in the labs later

4. Retrieve Access Keys and Secret Access Keys

You can check to see if you have an access key in the IAM dashboard
Under Users, click on a user and then "Security Credentials"
Scroll down until you see the Access Key section
You will not be able to retrieve your secret access key so if you don't have that somewhere, you need to create an access key.

Technical Diagram


Project Structure

├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
├── .env
├── .gitignore
└── terraform/
    ├── container_definitions.tpl
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Step 1: Clone The Repo

git clone
cd src
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Step 2: Add API Key to AWS Secrets Manager

aws secretsmanager create-secret 
    --name my-api-key 
    --description "API key for accessing the Sport Highlights API" 
    --secret-string '{"api_key":"YOUR_ACTUAL_API_KEY"}' 
    --region us-east-1
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Step 3: Create an IAM role or user

In the search bar type "IAM"

Click Roles -> Create Role

For the Use Case type "S3" and click next

Under Add Permission search for AmazonS3FullAccess, MediaConvertFullAccess and AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess and click next

Under Role Details, type "HighlightProcessorRole" as the name

Select Create Role

Find the role in the list and click on it
Under Trust relationships
Edit the trust policy to this:
Edit the Trust Policy and replace it with this:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": [
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<"your-account-id">:user/<"your-iam-user">"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
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Step 4: Update .env file

  1. RapidAPI_KEY: Ensure that you have successfully created the account and select "Subscribe To Test" in the top left of the Sports Highlights API
  2. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_aws_access_key_id_here
  3. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_aws_secret_access_key_here
  4. S3_BUCKET_NAME=your_S3_bucket_name_here
aws mediaconvert describe-endpoints
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  1. MEDIACONVERT_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::your_account_id:role/HighlightProcessorRole

Step 5: Secure .env file

chmod 600 .env
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Step 6: Locally Buikd & Run The Docker Container


docker build -t highlight-processor .
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Run the Docker Container Locally:

docker run --env-file .env highlight-processor
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This will run, and and the following files should be saved in your S3 bucket:

Image description

Optional - Confirm there is a video uploaded to s3:///videos/first_video.mp4

Image description

Optional - Confirm there is a video uploaded to s3:///processed_videos/

What We Learned

  1. Working with Docker and AWS Services
  2. Identity Access Management (IAM) and least privilege
  3. How to enhance media quality

Remember to delete all the resources you created on AWS once you’re done so as not to incur any costs!!!

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