DEV Community

Iñigo Etxaniz
Iñigo Etxaniz

Posted on

Introducing CurlDock: Simplify API Testing with Docker and Curl

Hey community!

I'm excited to share CurlDock, a lightweight open-source tool I've been working on to simplify API testing and curl script management.

What is CurlDock?

CurlDock combines the power of curl with the convenience of Docker, offering a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and executing curl commands. Built with Rust and React, it's designed for simplicity and ease of use.

Image description

Key Features

  • 🐳 Dockerized: Easy setup and consistent environments
  • 🖥️ User-Friendly Interface: Similar to Postman or Insomnia
  • 📁 Git-Friendly: Store scripts as .sh files for easy version control
  • 🔒 Network Isolation: Access endpoints within your Docker network

Quick Start

Getting started with CurlDock is as easy as running a Docker command:

docker run --name curldock --rm -e SCRIPTSFOLDER="/scripts" -v $(pwd)/scripts:/scripts -e PORT="2080" -p 2080:2080 inigoetxaniz/curldock
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, just open http://localhost:2080 in your browser!

Why CurlDock?

  • Simplicity: Focus on core functionality without unnecessary complexity
  • Local-First: Designed for local development environments
  • No Authentication: Reduced complexity for improved usability
  • Developer Control: You manage your own security measures

Try It Out!

I'd love for you to give CurlDock a spin and share your thoughts.

Check out the GitHub repository for more details!

Happy API testing! 🚀

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