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Add colorpicker to Ant Design form

This is an overview for the npm package antd-colorpicker

Ant design is very convinient design system for building efficient user interfaces.

While working with it, I faced with the necessity of adding colorpicker to my form. Unfortunately, there is no such component.
Antd docs suggest to use third-party libraries for creating the colorpicker.

Eventually, I decided, that it will be helpful to write npm package for everyone, who will faced with the same issue as I am.

NPM antd-colorpicker

antd-colorpicker demo popup

How to use it?

  1. Install the package:

    npm install antd-colorpicker --save-dev


    yarn add -D antd-colorpicker


  2. Add Colorpicker to your form inside Form.Item:

import React from 'react'
import { Button, Form } from 'antd'
import { Colorpicker, ColorPickerValue } from 'antd-colorpicker'

import 'antd/dist/antd.css'

const App = () => {
  const initialValues = { color: { r: 26, g: 14, b: 85, a: 1 } }
  const handleOnFinish = (values: { color: ColorPickerValue }) => {

  return (
    <Form onFinish={handleOnFinish} initialValues={initialValues}>
      <Form.Item label={'Colorpicker'} name={`color`}>
        <Colorpicker />
        <Button type='primary' htmlType='submit'>
          Show values in console

export default App
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It will be the simpliest colorpicker.


You can use the following properties to customize the colorpicker:

Property Description Type Default
picker Type of the picker BlockPicker
popup Use popup for colorpicker. Component Popover boolean false
onColorResult Function that changes the color value, which will be returned function(color) undefined
blockStyles Relevant only when popup=true. CSS styles for block, which changes the color after picking it at popup window CSSProperties { }
popoverProps Properties for Popover component object { } Custom properties for react-color pickers props


Popup window

<Colorpicker popup />
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Demo popup

Change block, which fires popup window

    width: '30px',
    height: '30px',
    borderRadius: '50%',
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Choose one of the 13 types of picker

You can use one of the following: BlockPicker | ChromePicker | CirclePicker | CompactPicker | GithubPicker | GooglePicker | HuePicker | MaterialPicker | PhotoshopPicker | SketchPicker | SliderPicker | SwatchesPicker | TwitterPicker

<Colorpicker picker={'CirclePicker'} />
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Customize the result value of the color

By default you will have the following color result:

  "hsl": {
    "h": 250.3448275862069,
    "s": 0.1594202898550725,
    "l": 0.346725,
    "a": 1
  "hex": "#4f4a67",
  "rgb": {
    "r": 79,
    "g": 74,
    "b": 103,
    "a": 1
  "hsv": {
    "h": 250.3448275862069,
    "s": 0.2750000000000001,
    "v": 0.402,
    "a": 1
  "oldHue": 250.3448275862069,
  "source": "hsv"
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Let's try to change it, to get what we want:

<Colorpicker onColorResult={(color) => color.rgb} />
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The result value will be:

  "r": 79,
  "g": 74,
  "b": 103,
  "a": 1
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How to use the component outside the form?

You have to define value and onChange (or onChangeComplete) props.

This is how your component may look like:

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { AnyColorFormat, Colorpicker } from 'antd-colorpicker'

const App = () => {
  const [color, setColor] = useState<AnyColorFormat>({
    r: 0,
    g: 0,
    b: 0,
    a: 0.5,

  const onChange = (color: AnyColorFormat) => {

  return (
      style={{ maxWidth: '500px', margin: '20px auto', paddingBottom: '50px' }}
      <Colorpicker value={color} onChange={onChange} />

export default App
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This is it! Enjoy!

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