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Igbokwe Victor Onyedikachi
Igbokwe Victor Onyedikachi

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I started the year with learning frontend development with the goal of using it during the HNG internship β€˜ β€˜which from the track record they have set would help with tasks that would equip me with more skills in the part I am on. Months passed along with work and I managed to find time when I got home. Practice led to improvement. As the internship drew nearer, I decided to continue my journey switching to Backend development with Java using springboot to build Rest API. Although learning frontend is exciting and exhilarating, I think learning backend is more engaging because of the problem-solving opportunities it presents as well as the skills it teaches.

A problem I encountered while learning which I am not proud of, is when I wanted to implement spring security into my application. I mean, even without knowing what each component does, I could have just copied the programmes and followed the tutorials I saw. For instance, using the built-in Spring security feature to load users from the database or implementing Json Web Tokens (JWT) bothered me a little because the tutorials I watched only involved pasting codes and told me to trust that they would work. While the code did work, I did not fully understand what it was doing. I made the decision to follow the advice I had read from a number of seasoned developers online, avoid tutorial hell, start from scratch with my project, use Google to figure things out when I got stuck, and maybe even try ChatGPT. When I finally had my lightbulb moment, I was happy. I wanted to savor this incredible journey while relying on my intellect and problem-solving abilities to construct incredible things.

I heard about HNG from a friend and decided to give a try and enrolled 2023 for HNGx which I got to stage five (5). I have enrolled this year again and hope for something better. This year is different because I subscribed to HNG premium β€˜ ’ which comes with perks when you joined

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