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Tailwind CSS is pretty cool

I am a backend developer with usually only limited love for frontend stuff. Bootstrap did make frontend bearable for me - use the column based layout, stick to the components like tables, cards, buttons, etc and you will be OK. I still sometimes spend hours trying to center something and then using the <center> tag still not understanding why this marvellous tag was deprecacted for some puristic reasons but you don't care because it's just HTML.

Anyway, that was my background. I did fiddle with raw CSS before but never came too far with that, it was a too step learning curve and I shot myself constantly in the foot. But now, just one week ago, I started using this Tailwind CSS. It's amazing! It is more low level than Bootstrap and you are not stuck to the given compontents. I can do buttons with different styles instead of just choosing from different colors. Yes, you can overwrite things in bootstrap too, but it feels kind of fighting against it. Development with Tailwind CSS is slower than Bootstrap at first, but you are compensated with the freedom of doing things how you actually want them and achieving something that does not cry "I am made with Bootstrap". It also forced me to finally comprehend new things about CSS instead of just hitting against it until it makes what I want. In any case, use it :-). At least I am happy with it and can recommend :-D

That is the landing page I did:

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