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10 Ways Developers Can Invest Time Instead of Wasting it

Ilona Codes on July 18, 2020

In today’s, in the past and probably in the future world — the time is more valuable than money, and the right time waits for no one. Hence, we hav...
spiritupbro profile image
🙅‍♀️ Say “No”
Here I am still in the development process, but it has already become much better. I say “no” much more often today.

When I have inquiries of any kind or even my own project ideas, I always reflect on this principle: if you say yes to this, you automatically say no to something else. Because you can only do one thing at a time, is this thing more important than other things for achieving my goals?

This way, whole kinds of projects or requests fall through the grid—the filter which recognizes what really matters for me, for my most critical resource—my time.

this quote is beautiful for real i got so many project even thought i can do all of that saying no to some of the project is actually necessary you know even thought i love coding but at some point its really crazy to do all of that at once

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

I truly understand you!

Developers are very curious people and eager to learn new things through project implementations. Still, at the same time, we have energy and willpower limits on how much time and capacity we give for each new project.

shroomlife profile image
shroomlife 🍄

Don't forget: Time is just an illusion! So stop fighting against it. There is no such thing as a waste of time only experience you don't get the point for yet. You define the value of anything. You are your own god within your own world. Anything you do, you do for a reason. So you are not even able to waste your time. Funny and sad, isn't it?



delc82 profile image
dleon • Edited

I second this. We just have one life so we have to balance things in it. But always have fun and also invest time in you and the ones you love.

shroomlife profile image
shroomlife 🍄

In my opinion I got as many lives as I want to. What do you think how you entered this life? By coincedence? I believe by love and I am not alone. Do your research and let go the YOLO curse! Love to everyone!

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delc82 profile image
dleon • Edited

Well my response is for those who believe that we have just one life. Remember we need to accept any kind of beliefs and religions. We are all here in this rock!

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shroomlife profile image
shroomlife 🍄

That's right. I always thought of death as then there is nothing and nothing but once you see and experience death for real and come back to life you will understand. Either in a trip or at least when you die and your body releases all your DMT. Happy tripping down here.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

This! 🙌

mdamaceno profile image
Marco Damaceno

Developers, don't believe in "happy path projects". All of them have some point of failure that will make you waste your time. Say no if you realize that it is a time consumer and not an investment. It's easy to get in and hard to get out.

dionarodrigues profile image
Diona Rodrigues

Good points.

As designers and developers I think we have the power to change people's lives through technology.

I'm on my way to find some goal in my life - something I can do to feel more valuable in this world - and I think I can apply some of your tips in my current life to have more time and money to think about life and do what I really want to do for a living.

mirkan1 profile image

let's see if I will be able to buy the book later

okeeffed profile image
Dennis O'Keeffe

“Don’t swap time for money.”

Definitely a mantra to live by. Solid tips!

4emmyzaz profile image
Emmyz Azuby

Thank you so much for this

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

My pleasure 🙂

naveenkumarkg profile image

Hi This article is very wonderfull

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

Thank you so much!

samuelfaure profile image
Samuel-Zacharie FAURE

That’s why you should try to make each minute of each day count because every minute you sit idly doing nothing or wasting time, there is someone out there working hard towards the same goal gaining the edge over you.

Wow, looks like life is some kind of competition for you. That's a very unhealthy way to live.
Beside, comparing yourselves with others will always lead to disappointment.

There are millions of developers in this world, you can talk to almost all of them on the internet. One of them WILL be better than you at something you're doing. Comparison == Poison.

If you don’t work towards your dreams and goals, you aren’t investing your time in yourself—you are wasting it.

What if my dream is "wasting" my time ?
I feel this pressure to work towards "dreams and goal" to be a red herring for a very toxic culture.

and instead start investing your time into a variety of assets, including yourself.

I'm not an asset. I'm a human being.

Soon you will be able to have the 4-Hour Workweek.

Why would I want to work 4 hours ? I love my job so much ! I can't envision working only 4 hours on it. Looks like you're encouraging people to look towards the destination rather than the journey. Seems like a mirage to me, but to each its own.

drmandible profile image

Life is a competition. Just ask Darwin. Go ahead and waste your days but one day you will realize that's not a viable long term strategy.

OP isn't saying to be a slave to work. She starts with the true assumptions that most of us must earn income. So how do we do that most effectively, thereby leaving ourselves time (and extra money) for leisure.

This is a post explicitly about time management for work. If you don't want to work, you shouldn't have even bothered reading it.

samuelfaure profile image
Samuel-Zacharie FAURE

Life is a competition. Just ask Darwin

Pretty sure that's a huge stretch from Darwin.

If you don't want to work, you shouldn't have even bothered reading it.

Yet you are the one trying to earn more money to work less 🍹

Go ahead and waste your days but one day you will realize that's not a viable long term strategy.

"Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted" - John Lennon

All in all you seem to have a very negative ootlook on life - But you know, you can progress as well with the carrot instead of the stick.

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drmandible profile image

You're quite the mind reader. Everyone but you apparently has a negative outlook on life. Good luck with not working and telling people what they think.

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel

Thank you IIona!

The most important one is saying no to everything, I suppose.


ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

You are welcome! Yes, we need to learn to say "no" when it's necessary.

beesnotincluded profile image

I agree strongly with this. Nobody gets anywhere impressive by just doing the average. But people love to justify their laziness. If everyone put 100% effort into what they were doing literally everything in society would be better. Inspiring words.

Happy button-pushing.

markopetrovic91 profile image
Marko Petrovic

Your articles are so precious. Thank you!

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

Thank you so much 🙏 I appreciate it!

ncote3 profile image

Part of moving towards a 4 hour work week to to allow for people to relax and unwind. Constantly moving and thinking isn't the best idea either!

aayushidroid profile image
Aayushi Sharma

Time is the real money.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Some really useful points there. Thanks for writing this!

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

I am glad you liked it! Thank you 🙂