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How to Implement Login with Google in Nest JS

Michael Owolabi on April 30, 2020

In this article, we are going to implement (OAuth) login with google in Nest JS. Coming from Express, implementing OAuth in Nest JS may seem not so...
egormkn profile image
Egor Makarenko • Edited

@imichaelowolabi, done callback should not be used in validate method, because it is invoked internally by nestjs/passport. It is better to just return user object from validate:

async validate (accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, profile: any): Promise<any> {
    const { name, emails, photos } = profile
    const user = {
      email: emails[0].value,
      firstName: name.givenName,
      lastName: name.familyName,
      picture: photos[0].value,
    return user;
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kaivanmehta14 profile image
Kaivan Mehta • Edited

Thanks for this detailed explanation.

I am working on angular + nestJs project, which are configured at different ports (localhost:4200 and localhost:8080). I am trying to request from angular to nestJs.

But it is not redirected on CallbackUrl, rather it is giving me some CORS error. However,
I have put, localhost:8080 and my endpoint at authorized URI and also configured app.enablecors() in main.js

I am having this error instead,
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from 'localhost:8080/v1/auth') from origin 'localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

However, after clicking that redirection link manually, it is working properly. Did I miss anything?
Any help is appreciated.

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

Hi Kaivan,

Thanks for the feedback. As per the error you're getting, this simply has to do with the "Authorized Javascript origin" and the redirect URI. Kindly crosscheck these two values from your google console to ensure they are the correct endpoints for your frontend and backend app.

kaivanmehta14 profile image
Kaivan Mehta

Thanks for your reply,
As I am requesting from angular and default port is 4200, I have given localhost:4200 in authorized JavaScript uri and I am redirecting it to the backend, thus I have given localhost:8080 over there in the redirect uri.

Kindly can refer this picture.

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wassilabeny profile image

Hello Kaivan,
Did you find a solution? cuz I have the same problem. I'm using nextJs and I have a cors problem even if I've enabled it

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joe105598055 profile image

Hello WassilaBen,
Did you find a solution? cuz I have the same problem too...😅

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rafaelsantos01 profile image
Rafael Santos

vcs resolveram o problema? como?

absdev profile image

In your Nest Js app open your main.ts add this
after creating an instance of nest application
Image description
Change the origin to localhost:8080

mehdiparastar profile image

I've faced the same issue, please share your solution if you find finally.

rafaelsantos01 profile image
Rafael Santos

vcs resolveram o problema? como?

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rayenbac profile image

did you find a solution because i got the same problem

(redirected from 'localhost:3000/google') from origin 'localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

zicjin profile image
zicjin • Edited

InternalOAuthError: Failed to obtain access token
at GoogleStrategy.OAuth2Strategy._createOAuthError (C:\Work_test\google-oauth-nestjs\node_modules\passport-oauth2\lib\strategy.js:408:17)

i just test

I got the correct google account login interface and logged in successfully, but reported an error when calling back the localhost:3000/google/redirect?cod....

How can I tell if I have a problem with my google project settings or JS code?

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

Hi Zicjin, try to reconfirm your redirect URL both on google and in your code as well as the scope. Sometimes when asking for non-existent scope, you may get such error.
Please let me know how it goes.

smasala profile image
Steven Masala

For others: double check your client ID and secret for the typos.

humayunkabir profile image
Humayun Kabir • Edited

I am getting the following error after applying this method.

node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.d.ts:5:8 - error TS1259: Module '"/Users///node_modules/@types/ws/index"' can only be default-imported using the 'esModuleInterop' flag

5 import WebSocket from 'ws';

270 export = WebSocket;
This module is declared with using 'export =', and can only be used with a default import when using the 'esModuleInterop' flag.

humayunkabir profile image
Humayun Kabir

Sorry, this Error is not related to this module.

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

Thanks for the clarification Humayun

zlfikar24 profile image

I am getting following error when I ran npm run start

src/app.controller.ts:1:49 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { Controller, Get, Req, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common';
src/app.module.ts:1:24 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
src/app.service.ts:1:28 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
src/google.strategy.ts:5:28 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common' or its corresponding type declarations.

5 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
src/google.strategy.ts:14:17 - error TS2580: Cannot find name 'process'. Do you need to install type definitions for node? Try npm i --save-dev @types/node.
14 clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
src/google.strategy.ts:15:21 - error TS2580: Cannot find name 'process'. Do you need to install type definitions for node? Try npm i --save-dev @types/node.
15 clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET,
src/main.ts:1:29 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/core' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
../node_modules/@nestjs/passport/dist/auth.guard.d.ts:1:29 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { CanActivate } from '@nestjs/common';
../node_modules/@nestjs/passport/dist/interfaces/auth-module.options.d.ts:1:38 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common/interfaces' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { ModuleMetadata, Type } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces';
../node_modules/@nestjs/passport/dist/passport.module.d.ts:1:31 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@nestjs/common' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { DynamicModule } from '@nestjs/common';
../node_modules/dotenv/types/index.d.ts:2:23 - error TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'node'.

2 ///
../node_modules/dotenv/types/index.d.ts:23:17 - error TS2580: Cannot find name 'Buffer'. Do you need to install type definitions for node? Try npm i --save-dev @types/node.

fahridevz profile image
Muhammad Ali Fahri

You miss install @nestjs/core and @nestjs/common, and don't forget to install @types/node an dev dependencies 😅

upsetmania profile image
Ups3t • Edited

hi, thanks for the code works perfectly;).
on the other hand I have a question when the page reloads I have an

Error Server:
error: TokenError: Bad Request
at GoogleStrategy.OAuth2Strategy.parseErrorResponse,

statusCode: 500
message: "Internal server error",

how would you solve the problem? thank you so much.

joeberetta profile image
Joe Beretta

Hi, have same issue, could u help with solving this error?

microchip78 profile image

How to load ClientID, ClientSecret and CallbackURL from database instead of loading from env in this example. Here is the code where you are loading it from env.

constructor() {
      clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET,
      callbackURL: 'http://localhost:3000/google/redirect',
      scope: ['email', 'profile'],
ijazsharif profile image
Muhammad Ijaz

I am facing this error when login with google
Any body face this issue and resolved it?

{"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot GET /google/redirect?code=4/0AX4XfWg_370s0nW_gRVvaBql7g8u0TPVmgoLkly22yTxM7JIccz0-tFAht0ELvLn6BOQ7A&scope=email%20profile%20","error":"Not Found"}

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

From the error message you shared, it seems the redirect endpoint doesn't exist or doesn't have use the right HTTP method in your app.
You should confirm that you have the google redirect endpoint setup in your application with the right GET http method and try again

cziermann profile image

Thx for the Article,

But i have an problem with this.
I am using graphl with this first i had an problem that i had not an Response object i fixed this with

  getResponse(context: ExecutionContext) {
    const ctx = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
    const res = ctx.getContext().res;
    return res;
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but now i dont get any real response at all.

i debuged alot and found out that the google-strategy never calls success, error or fail to realy end the transaction.

the only function that calls these is self._oauth2.getOAuthAccessToken

but this gets also never called.
i also could not find where this function is called at all i search for this function in my node_modules folder and only found the declaration.

Thx for Help


cziermann profile image

i think i found an fix for that.
the problem is that the oauth2 strategy is looking for req.query.code

so one fix is just write the token in the req.query.code in the getRequest function

  getRequest(context: ExecutionContext) {
    const ctx = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
    const req = ctx.getContext().req;
    req.query.code = tokenExtractor(req);
    return req;
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cziermann profile image

did think that this fixes the issue but no.
does anyone has experience with nestjs + passport (google) and graphql?

eybel profile image
Abel Simon • Edited

Hi there! thanks for the article, but I keep having this error that I can't fix. I get:

"Access blocked: Authorization Error
Missing required parameter: scope
Error 400: invalid_request"

I do have the scope parameter, and I have my callback URL also, any other ideas? I don't know what else to try.

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { PassportStrategy } from '@nestjs/passport';
import { Strategy, Profile, VerifyCallback } from 'passport-google-oauth20';

export class GoogleStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, 'google') {
  constructor(private readonly configService: ConfigService) {
      clientID: configService.get<string>('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
      clientSecret: configService.get<string>('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
      callbackURL: configService.get<string>('GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL'),
      scope: ['profile', 'email'],

  async validate(
    req: any,
    accessToken: string,
    refreshToken: string,
    profile: Profile,
    done: VerifyCallback,
  ): Promise<any> {
    // Validate or create user based on Google profile
    const userProfile = {
      firstname: profile._json.given_name,
      lastname: profile._json.family_name,
      picture: profile._json.picture,

    // You can access the request object using req.user if needed

    done(null, userProfile);

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thisismydesign profile image

Hey Michael, this is a nice guide to get started, but isn't it incomplete? Every time I visit a guarded page I'm redirected to Google's OAuth page again. Shouldn't there be a step to use the received accessToken? Or how should the server handle subsequent requests?

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi • Edited

Hello @thisismydesign thank you for your kind words.

About your question, yes the received access token should be used but the use will differ across various applications which will be determined by the use case in the application and the developer. My aim in writing this article is just to show to authenticate with Google OAuth in a Nest application.

gidbecxa profile image
Gideon A.

Man! You're amazing! Real omo iya mi! I've been using resources to build Nest.js + Passport (for Google). All confusing but I moved on. But something was off still... This is the last resource I've visited and now, it works! Why am I appreciating you especially? Just the fact that you added that I could visit the Google endpoint and other details you've given!

soumikchakrab11 profile image
Soumik Chakraborty • Edited

the refreshtoken comes as undefined and even the accestype offline parameter wont solve it. Please Help

mercurialuroboros profile image

Does anybody know why after login I get this

Alt text of image

knnwulf profile image

Well done, very useful.

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

Thanks Rodolfo, glad it helped.

kuetabby profile image

this one's neat!! but can u make the graphql version of this ??

barinbritva profile image
Barin Britva

Thanks a lot for the article!

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

You're welcome Barin. Glad it helped

danoseun profile image
'Seun Somefun

Nice piece. Keep it up!!!

imichaelowolabi profile image
Michael Owolabi

Thank you man

olojamuyiwa profile image

Nice content boss. it was really helpful

ayobamy profile image
Ahmed Olawale

Thanks man.
Super useful and straith forward.
No errors encountered too.
Thanks a lot.

amouratoglou profile image
Agustin Mouratoglou

5 mins setup and my app now supports google login.
i'm trying to make now authentication to connect to google calendar api and bring calendar data.
any hint?

subu profile image
Subramanya Shenoy • Edited

Hi Any tutorial u suggest to integrate with this stack :
NestJS + GraphQL + passport-google-oauth20

completely hit the roadblock on this one. 😢

douglashfonseca profile image

Hi I'm looking for a way to integrate google calendar using nestjs. However I am confused with authentication using OAuth2.

rahulto profile image

Good article

ruchitgandhineu profile image
Ruchit Gandhi


Objective **: To get **refresh_token.

Can you please suggest on how to add

as parameter for the OAuth url?

tausvels profile image
Tausif Ezaj Khan

Hi Michael,
How to store the user info in cookie session in Nest? Could you point me to the right direction?

villekaa profile image
Goffy • Edited

Hi, I think this example is for jwt.
If you want to use a cookie session you can add a route guard that creates a session cookie for you.


    signin(@Request() req: IUserRequest): void {
        console.log(`@AuthController ${JSON.stringify(req.user)}`)
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import { ExecutionContext, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport';

export class LoginGuard extends AuthGuard('local') {
    async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
        const result = (await super.canActivate(context)) as boolean;
        const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
        await super.logIn(request);
        return result;
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At this point you have a cookie and you can redirect the user back to front end ( if you have one ) and do another request to ask user information.

oleksandrkrupko profile image
Oleksandr Krupko

Man, thanks a lot for the great article! I've set up login using google in 10 mins thanks to it!

heyrohit profile image
Rohit Gupta

Works Perfectly

oybekdevuz profile image
Oybek Berdiyev

how to get phone number