Let's build a distributed real-time collaboration platform that enables multiple users to work together simultaneously. This project will demonstrate WebSocket handling, conflict resolution, and state synchronization in Go.
Project Overview: Real-time Collaboration Platform
Core Features
- Real-time document editing
- Cursor position synchronization
- Presence awareness
- Operational transformation
- Conflict resolution
- Chat functionality
Technical Implementation
1. WebSocket Server
// WebSocket server implementation
type CollaborationServer struct {
sessions map[string]*Session
documents map[string]*Document
broadcast chan Message
register chan *Client
unregister chan *Client
type Client struct {
id string
session *Session
conn *websocket.Conn
send chan Message
type Message struct {
Type MessageType `json:"type"`
Payload interface{} `json:"payload"`
func NewCollaborationServer() *CollaborationServer {
return &CollaborationServer{
sessions: make(map[string]*Session),
documents: make(map[string]*Document),
broadcast: make(chan Message),
register: make(chan *Client),
unregister: make(chan *Client),
func (s *CollaborationServer) Run() {
for {
select {
case client := <-s.register:
case client := <-s.unregister:
case message := <-s.broadcast:
func (s *CollaborationServer) handleRegister(client *Client) {
session := s.sessions[client.session.ID]
if session == nil {
session = &Session{
ID: client.session.ID,
Clients: make(map[string]*Client),
s.sessions[session.ID] = session
session.Clients[] = client
2. Operational Transformation Engine
// Operational transformation implementation
type Operation struct {
Type OperationType
Position int
Content string
ClientID string
Revision int
type Document struct {
ID string
Content string
History []Operation
Revision int
mu sync.RWMutex
func (d *Document) ApplyOperation(op Operation) error {
// Transform operation against concurrent operations
transformedOp := d.transformOperation(op)
// Apply the transformed operation
switch transformedOp.Type {
case OpInsert:
d.insertContent(transformedOp.Position, transformedOp.Content)
case OpDelete:
d.deleteContent(transformedOp.Position, len(transformedOp.Content))
// Update revision and history
d.History = append(d.History, transformedOp)
return nil
func (d *Document) transformOperation(op Operation) Operation {
transformed := op
// Transform against all concurrent operations
for _, historical := range d.History[op.Revision:] {
transformed = transform(transformed, historical)
return transformed
3. Presence System
// Real-time presence tracking
type PresenceSystem struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
users map[string]*UserPresence
updates chan PresenceUpdate
type UserPresence struct {
UserID string
Document string
Cursor Position
Selection Selection
LastSeen time.Time
type Position struct {
Line int
Column int
type Selection struct {
Start Position
End Position
func (ps *PresenceSystem) UpdatePresence(update PresenceUpdate) {
user := ps.users[update.UserID]
if user == nil {
user = &UserPresence{UserID: update.UserID}
ps.users[update.UserID] = user
user.Document = update.Document
user.Cursor = update.Cursor
user.Selection = update.Selection
user.LastSeen = time.Now()
// Broadcast update to other users
ps.updates <- update
func (ps *PresenceSystem) StartCleanup() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
4. Conflict Resolution
// Conflict resolution system
type ConflictResolver struct {
strategy ConflictStrategy
type ConflictStrategy interface {
Resolve(a, b Operation) Operation
// Last-write-wins strategy
type LastWriteWinsStrategy struct{}
func (s *LastWriteWinsStrategy) Resolve(a, b Operation) Operation {
if a.Timestamp.After(b.Timestamp) {
return a
return b
// Three-way merge strategy
type ThreeWayMergeStrategy struct{}
func (s *ThreeWayMergeStrategy) Resolve(base, a, b Operation) Operation {
// Implement three-way merge logic
if a.Position == b.Position {
if a.Type == OpDelete && b.Type == OpDelete {
return a // Both deleted same content
if a.Timestamp.After(b.Timestamp) {
return a
return b
// Non-overlapping changes
if a.Position < b.Position {
return combineOperations(a, b)
return combineOperations(b, a)
5. State Synchronization
// State synchronization system
type SyncManager struct {
documents map[string]*DocumentState
clients map[string]*ClientState
type DocumentState struct {
Content string
Version int64
Operations []Operation
Checksum string
type ClientState struct {
LastSync time.Time
SyncVersion int64
func (sm *SyncManager) SynchronizeState(clientID string, docID string) error {
client := sm.clients[clientID]
doc := sm.documents[docID]
if client.SyncVersion == doc.Version {
return nil // Already in sync
// Get operations since last sync
ops := sm.getOperationsSince(docID, client.SyncVersion)
// Apply operations to client state
for _, op := range ops {
if err := sm.applyOperation(clientID, op); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sync failed: %w", err)
// Update client sync version
client.SyncVersion = doc.Version
client.LastSync = time.Now()
return nil
6. Chat System
// Real-time chat implementation
type ChatSystem struct {
rooms map[string]*ChatRoom
history map[string][]ChatMessage
type ChatRoom struct {
ID string
Members map[string]*Client
Messages chan ChatMessage
type ChatMessage struct {
ID string
RoomID string
UserID string
Content string
Timestamp time.Time
func (cs *ChatSystem) SendMessage(msg ChatMessage) error {
room := cs.rooms[msg.RoomID]
if room == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("room not found: %s", msg.RoomID)
// Store message in history
cs.history[msg.RoomID] = append(cs.history[msg.RoomID], msg)
// Broadcast to room members
room.Messages <- msg
return nil
Advanced Features
1. Performance Optimization
- Message batching
- Operation compression
- Selective broadcasting
// Message batching implementation
type MessageBatcher struct {
messages []Message
timeout time.Duration
size int
batch chan []Message
func (mb *MessageBatcher) Add(msg Message) {
mb.messages = append(mb.messages, msg)
if len(mb.messages) >= mb.size {
func (mb *MessageBatcher) Start() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(mb.timeout)
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
2. Scaling Considerations
// Distributed coordination using Redis
type DistributedCoordinator struct {
client *redis.Client
pubsub *redis.PubSub
func (dc *DistributedCoordinator) PublishUpdate(update Update) error {
return dc.client.Publish(ctx, "updates", update).Err()
func (dc *DistributedCoordinator) SubscribeToUpdates() {
sub := dc.client.Subscribe(ctx, "updates")
for msg := range sub.Channel() {
// Handle distributed update
Testing Strategy
1. Unit Tests
func TestOperationalTransformation(t *testing.T) {
doc := NewDocument("test")
// Test concurrent inserts
op1 := Operation{Type: OpInsert, Position: 0, Content: "Hello"}
op2 := Operation{Type: OpInsert, Position: 0, Content: "World"}
expected := "WorldHello"
if doc.Content != expected {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s", expected, doc.Content)
2. Integration Tests
func TestRealTimeCollaboration(t *testing.T) {
server := NewCollaborationServer()
go server.Run()
// Create test clients
client1 := createTestClient()
client2 := createTestClient()
// Simulate concurrent editing
go simulateEditing(client1)
go simulateEditing(client2)
// Verify final state
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
verifyDocumentState(t, server)
Deployment Architecture
- Multiple server instances behind a load balancer
- Redis for pub/sub and state coordination
- WebSocket connection management
- Monitoring and alerting
Building a real-time collaboration platform demonstrates complex distributed systems concepts and real-time data synchronization. The project showcases Go's strong concurrency features and WebSocket handling capabilities.
Additional Resources
Share your experiences building real-time collaboration systems in the comments below!
Tags: #golang #websockets #realtime #collaboration #distributed-systems
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