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Types of Ethical Hacking

Web Application Hacking:

SQL Injection
SQL Injection is one of the most common web application vulnerabilities, where an attacker can manipulate the backend database by injecting malicious SQL queries through user input fields. Consider a scenario where a user is asked to enter their username and password on a login page. The application constructs an SQL query to validate the credentials, such as:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '[user_input]' AND
password = '[user_input]';

If an attacker inputs something like ' OR '1'='1, the query transforms into:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR '1'='1' AND password = '';

This modified query returns true, allowing unauthorized access to the application. Attackers can further exploit this by retrieving sensitive information, such as user data or admin credentials, and potentially compromising the entire database.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
XSS is a type of vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. For example, consider a blog comment section that doesn’t validate user input. An attacker can post a comment that includes a script, such as:

<script>alert('Your session has been hijacked!');</script>

When another user views this comment, the script executes in their browser, potentially stealing cookies or session tokens. Attackers can use XSS to impersonate users, access sensitive data, and perform unauthorized actions on behalf of victims.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
CSRF is an attack that tricks a user into executing unwanted actions on a web application in which they are authenticated. For instance, if a user is logged into their online banking account and visits a malicious website, the attacker might craft a request that looks like this:

<img src="" />

When the user’s browser sends this request, the bank processes it without the user’s consent, transferring money to the attacker’s account. CSRF exploits the trust that a web application has in a user’s browser, and it can be particularly dangerous in scenarios where the user has high privileges.

Network Hacking:

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks
In a MITM attack, an attacker secretly intercepts and relays messages between two parties who believe they are communicating directly with each other. For example, in a public Wi-Fi scenario, an attacker can set up a rogue access point that users unknowingly connect to. Once connected, the attacker can monitor, intercept, or alter the communication. This could involve capturing sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, or private messages, potentially leading to identity theft or unauthorized transactions.

Packet Sniffing
Packet sniffing involves capturing data packets traveling across a network to analyze the information contained within them. An attacker might use tools like Wireshark to monitor network traffic, looking for unencrypted packets that contain sensitive data. For example, if a user logs into a website without HTTPS encryption, their username and password may be sent in plain text. The attacker can capture these packets, gaining unauthorized access to the user’s account.

Port Scanning
Port scanning is a technique used to identify open ports and services on a networked system. By probing different ports, attackers can discover vulnerabilities that can be exploited. For instance, an attacker might use Nmap to scan a target IP address, checking which ports are open and what services are running. If port 80 is open and the web server is outdated, the attacker might exploit known vulnerabilities to gain access to the system.

Wireless Hacking:
Cracking Wi-Fi Passwords (WPA, WEP)
Wireless networks often use encryption protocols like WEP and WPA to protect data transmitted over radio waves. However, WEP is outdated and relatively easy to crack due to its weak encryption. An attacker could use tools like Aircrack-ng to capture packets sent over a WEP-encrypted network and exploit vulnerabilities to retrieve the WEP key. For WPA, the attacker might capture a handshake between a device and the router and then perform a dictionary attack, using a list of common passwords to find the correct key.

Evil Twin Attacks
An Evil Twin attack involves setting up a rogue Wi-Fi hotspot that mimics a legitimate network, tricking users into connecting. For example, an attacker could create a Wi-Fi network named “Free Public Wi-Fi” that closely resembles a real public network. Unsuspecting users connect to this network, allowing the attacker to intercept and analyze their traffic. This could lead to the theft of sensitive information, such as passwords or personal data.

Social Engineering:

Phishing Attacks
Phishing is a method used to trick individuals into revealing personal information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. An attacker might send an email that appears to be from a reputable bank, urging the recipient to click a link to verify their account information. The link leads to a fake website that looks identical to the bank’s official site. When the user enters their login credentials, the attacker captures this information, allowing them to access the user’s real bank account.

Baiting involves enticing victims with something appealing to obtain sensitive information or install malware. For example, an attacker might leave USB drives labeled “Confidential” in public spaces. When someone picks up the USB and connects it to their computer, malware automatically installs, giving the attacker unauthorized access to the victim’s system and sensitive information.

Impersonation occurs when an attacker pretends to be someone else, such as a colleague or IT support, to gain access to confidential information. An attacker might call an employee, claiming to be from the IT department and requesting the employee’s login credentials to fix a “technical issue.” If the employee falls for the deception, the attacker can gain unauthorized access to sensitive systems or data.

System Hacking:

Privilege Escalation
Privilege escalation involves exploiting vulnerabilities to gain higher access rights than what the user has. For instance, a standard user may exploit a flaw in an application to execute commands with administrator privileges. This could allow the attacker to access restricted files, modify system configurations, or create new user accounts with elevated permissions, leading to a complete compromise of the system.

Password Cracking
Password cracking refers to the process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored or transmitted. Attackers often use tools like Hashcat or John the Ripper to perform brute-force attacks, where they systematically guess passwords until they find the correct one. For instance, if an attacker obtains a hashed password from a database, they can attempt to crack it using a dictionary of common passwords or a list of previously leaked passwords to gain unauthorized access to user accounts.

Keylogging is the practice of monitoring and recording keystrokes made by a user, allowing attackers to capture sensitive information like passwords and credit card numbers. An attacker might install keylogging software on a victim’s computer through phishing emails or malicious downloads. Once installed, the keylogger records every keystroke and sends this data back to the attacker, who can use it to access personal accounts or perform identity theft.


Ethical hacking is vital for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications. By understanding various techniques such as SQL injection, XSS, MITM attacks, and phishing, organizations can implement robust security measures to protect sensitive information. Ethical hackers play a crucial role in reinforcing defenses and safeguarding data integrity. As technology evolves, so will the tactics of malicious actors, making it essential for organizations to stay informed about emerging threats. Investing in ethical hacking initiatives and fostering a culture of security awareness is key to maintaining cybersecurity and building trust with users and clients.

For a comprehensive and practical approach to mastering network security and ethical hacking, Airoman Ethical Hacking course is an excellent resource. It covers key topics such as network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and cryptography, providing a deep understanding of how to safeguard systems and identify potential threats. The course emphasizes hands-on learning, featuring projects that simulate real-world scenarios and give you practical experience using industry-standard tools like Metasploit, Wireshark, and Nmap. Additionally, it offers insights into the latest cybersecurity trends and prepares you for certifications like CEH and OSCP. Whether you’re new to ethical hacking or looking to enhance your skills, this course provides all the knowledge and experience you need to succeed in the cybersecurity field.


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