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Shopify App - Theme Extension with React + Tailwind CSS

Full course available now! πŸ‘‰ Shopify App Development Crash Course

In the last few years Shopify has been revamping their App CLI and all the tooling.

We now have the App Theme Extensions here to replace the Script Tag API and make it an improved experience for merchants and their customers.

Since these upgrades are so new, there is hardly any tutorials on it!

I am currently building a theme extension app for Shopify. I initially started with Vanilla JS and regular CSS but soon realized that I wouldn't be able to build the customer experience that I wanted to with those tools. Plus it would be a bad developer experience for me also.

So about 25% way through the project I decided to switch to React and Tailwind CSS for the Theme Extension. However, this wasn't so easy to setup. So I want to share the process with you in this walkthrough!

Full Tech Stack:

  • Shopify App CLI
  • Vite
  • Theme Extension
  • React + Tailwind CSS

Step 1: Clone Template Extension App

Extension Template Github Repo

Step 2: Create a test store

In your Shopify Partner Account (it's free), create a test store.

Step 3: Run the app and install it

cd your-app-name && npm install

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Go through all the installation instructions

Step 4: Deploy the extension

npm run deploy

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 5: Check the Deployment

Go to the Shopify Partner Dashboard -> Apps -> Versions

And check that the Shopify app was deployed with the extension.

Step 6: Enable Extension on Store


npm run dev

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Install the app by clicking on the link in #1. Then go to link in #2 and navigate to the contact page in the theme. Then select the app from the

Install the App

Add the Extension in the Sections
Add Extension Section

See the text "Hello From React!" on your page!
See the text

Great! You now should have a working Shopify App Theme Extension that you can work on! πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

Top comments (44)

huykonofficial profile image
Huy Kon • Edited

After complete the cmd npm run dev, my theme editor don't show any app at contact page section, do you you know why?

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iskurbanov profile image

You also need to run npm run deploy to create a version/draft of the extension

huykonofficial profile image
Huy Kon

Hi @iskurbanov can we apply react to app embeded?

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iskurbanov profile image

Yeah it’s actually the same way. You just have to create a block that will be an embed instead of app block. Just set the target to body instead of section, like this:

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huykonofficial profile image
Huy Kon

Thanks for your suggestion. it's working well. I have one more question that when we run npm run deploy it will delete all file in assets folder, I have a custom js folder in that so how can I ignore that file?

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iskurbanov profile image

@huykonofficial good question, you would have to adjust the "cleanup" script in the package.json

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huykonofficial profile image
Huy Kon

@iskurbanov can you give me an example to cleanup with ignore some specific files?

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iskurbanov profile image

Sorry actually it’s not because of the cleanup script. What is your custom asset called? It shouldn’t be deleting it.

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huykonofficial profile image
Huy Kon

I see that the vite build will clean up all files inside assets folder, I have my custom js for my app block or embed, it used for setting schema. So my goal I want keep these files when vite build

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iskurbanov profile image

It’s only set to remove .json and .gitkeep files so your .js file shouldn’t be removed by it. Are you importing your custom js file anywhere? The Shopify build command might be removing any unused js files.

clioh profile image

Hey I was interested in this course so I spun this up last night. I used the complete version from GitHub to get an idea of what the final product would look like. While the styling looks good on the preview, it does not get applied in the editor at all for some reason, which would create a confusing experience for users of the extension. Is this just a thing isolated to working on a dev branch with HMR or would it appear to a user this way once the theme app extension is published as well?

Preview in editor:
Preview in editor

As it appears on website (
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iskurbanov profile image

Hey Clio,

Hmm that’s strange. It should work the same way. There might be an issue with the build process in your case. Did you make any changed to the code?


Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
iskurbanov profile image

Try displaying the value with liquid in the block component. Do you have that option (pickup availability) enabled in your admin dashboard?

mquandtum profile image

I have the same issue. Once I deploy the app to heroku, I lose all tailwind styling. I've tried this on the template without altering any code or configs. The expected result is that the "Hello From React" is colored red. While running locally this is the case, but once published the text does not have the red style.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

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kylemarham profile image
Kyle Marham

Struggling with this too - Tailwind styles do not appear to be getting bundled with the output js file in the extension assets folder.

Were you able to find a fix?

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iskurbanov profile image

Hey Kyle, this is the fix:

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iskurbanov profile image
iffikhan30 profile image

Hey @iskurbanov ,

// Handle GET request
app.get("/apps/proxy", async (_req, res) => {
console.log("GET API");
try {
res.status(200).send({ message: "Got it" });
} catch (error) {

When i hit the URL without shopify.validateAuthenticatedSession() it work fine, but when I call on my component

const textProxy = (d) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch("SHOP-URL/apps/proxy", {
method: 'POST',
redirect: 'manual',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
body: JSON.stringify(d)
.then(response => {
console.log(response, 'response');
return response; // Assuming the response is in JSON format
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {
console.log("test", error);

its show me 404 error, I am stuck please!

nhluan profile image
Luan Nguyen

hi @iskurbanov, in the page, i added multiple this app that you guide in this article. But why don't it working to add multiple apps into sections or blocks? For example, in homepage, i want to add 2 this app into 2 sections. You can see this picture to understant about my problem. (As you see, i added 3 apps, but only one app was displeyed. Why?). Thanks @iskurbanov.
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iskurbanov profile image

Yes I think only 1 will be displayed because we target the element by id in our react code. I haven’t had to display multiple so I’m not sure a work around this unfortunately.

nhluan profile image
Luan Nguyen

I saw, thank you @iskurbanov

markb1 profile image
Mark • Edited

Hi @iskurbanov Great article! Naming the app was the only lag in this. Much appreciated! (updated message and also LinkedIn to you - willing to hire @iskurbanov ) The app can be added as a section to any page, not just the contact page.

jnsrst profile image
Jonas Ernst • Edited

Hi @iskurbanov
how would you integrate settings from the editor into the react code? For example i want to implement an image picker setting.

  1. Where would i put this setting?
  2. How would i get this image into the react code?

Thanks a lot!

iskurbanov profile image

Hey Jonas, you can easily do this by just passing them as data- attributes in the root div. Something like this:

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vmhoang0306 profile image

After completed the cmd npm run dev, my terminal don't show me link to install app in step 6.
In addition, i have this error

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can you help me?

iskurbanov profile image

Maybe you need to run "shopify login" to connect your app to your partner account.

nmy1095 profile image
Nathan Yang

Hi @iskurbanov, thanks for the detailed guide. I'm running into this error after running npm run dev. Have you encountered this before? My ruby version is ruby 3.3.3. if that's useful.

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almusamim profile image
Hadi Zakzouk

Just wondering why you didn't go with the Hydrogen and Oxygen stack?

iskurbanov profile image

Hey, totally different use cases. This is for an app, Hydrogen and Oxygen are for a headless store.

almusamim profile image
Hadi Zakzouk

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my confusion :) I'm looking forward to all your Shopify courses. I hope you can do a screencast/course on Hydrogen and Oxygen stack one day as there are hardly any courses on the subject out there.

quocdatptit profile image

Image description
Hi, after complete cmd npm run deploy, my app don't create release version, do you know why ?

iskurbanov profile image

What does it say in your terminal window? Any errors?

quocdatptit profile image

Image description

No error in my terminal

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iskurbanov profile image

Make sure you’re deploying to the correct app in your dashboard. This one has a different name. So maybe you created 2?