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onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction}

itric on June 22, 2024

The difference between onClick={someFunction} and onClick={() => someFunction} in React (or JavaScript in general) lies in how and when they han...
efpage profile image
Eckehard • Edited

I don´t think this is actually correct.

A function is just just block of code between curly brackets, regardless if its defined with the function keyword or as an arrow function:

function f1(a){  return a*2 }  // function definition
const f2 = (a) => { return a*2 } // arrow function
const f3 = a => a*2 // short form of arrow function
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so, this is a bit misleading / wrong:

Each time the component renders, a new function is created.

what varies is the execution context, not the function itself. It may sound a bit petty, but may lead to serious errors. It is important to get these differences exactly, as Javascript has some strange behavoir in this point (See here)[].

If you are using only pure functions, this should not matter too much unless you use the "this" keyword (which in my eyes makes the function impure)

So, calling one of this functions is pretty much the same, and might not make any measurable difference in a well optimizes Javascript compiler:

function f1(a){  return a*2 }  // function definition
const f2 = f1 // function reference
const f3 = a => f1(a) // function call inside an arrow function
const function f4(a){ return f1(a)}
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It is more important to know, WHERE a function is defined and what it´s actual context is.

tuzebra profile image
Huy Phan

so, this is a bit misleading / wrong:

Each time the component renders, a new function is created.

In the context of this article (React using JSX syntax), what the author said is correct. But to be more clear: Each time the component renders, a new anonymous function is created to pass to the onClick props.
Actually, using arrow function syntax here is not good because of the above reason, every time the parent renders, it passes a new prop value to the child, which leads the child to do the unnecessary rerender.

efpage profile image

Maybe you can add some more details/references. Things are complicated here so its possible I´m wrong. I think it´s important if and when a new function object is created. See here

hassanzohdy profile image
Hasan Zohdy

If the function receives a parameter like a we can use the same concept but with HOF (Higher Order Function) to be set like this:

const double = (value: number) => () => {
   // do whatever needed to be done
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And the usage will be something like:

<div onClick={double(2)} />
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mithuahammad profile image
Mithu Ahammad

it's Easy...

happymalyo profile image
Mario Francisco Randrianandrasana • Edited

I think the article said about the component on each render is correct :

Each time the component renders, a new function is created.

function someFunction( ) { console.log('message') };
//here, it doesn't create a new function on click event, just call it
onClick={ someFunction } 
//here, it creates an anonymous function then call someFunction  
onClick={() => someFunction() } 

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itric profile image
itric • Edited

i can't say, i fully understand you. i'm not an expert. i find it useful to share this info. Sorry for any misleading information, i'll be careful from next time. Thank you for correction

efpage profile image

Your welcome!

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Hey, this article appears to have been generated with the assistance of ChatGPT or possibly some other AI tool.

We allow our community members to use AI assistance when writing articles as long as they abide by our guidelines. Please review the guidelines and edit your post to add a disclaimer.

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matin_mollapur profile image
Matin Mollapur

great explanation! it's clear how the difference between onClick={someFunction} and onClick={() => someFunction()} affects performance and use cases. the direct reference is more efficient, while the arrow function is handy for passing arguments. thanks for breaking it down so well. this is really useful for anyone working with react. keep up the good work!

jgdevelopments profile image
Julian Gaston

Nice article. Good stuff!!

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza


raghuwarjangir profile image
Raghuwar Jangir • Edited

great content 👍for beginners it's good practice.

mekkj98 profile image
keshav jha

There is alternate way in which you can use something like data-{xyz} attribute in element and onclick or on any event, you can get that attribute value using"data-{xyz}").

function handleClick(e) {
const message ="data-message")

<button data-message="Button clicked" onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>

dillonheadley profile image
Dillon Headley

If you are using data attributes you should use to read them. Like

mekkj98 profile image
keshav jha • Edited

Yup, performance difference is negligible but .getAttribute is faster than dataset field some extent. That is not an excuse, the thing is i got used to .getAttribute and primarily i want to fetch only couple of data attributes in most of the scenario so i'm using .getAttribute mostly.

chavansoham profile image

So output will be "Button clicked" because you have passed this value to data-message attribute right ?

douglaspujol profile image
Douglas Pujol

Excellent article

gihanrangana profile image

This will be the cleanest way to pass arguments to the function

function handleClick(message) {

<button onClick={handleClick.bind(null,"Button Clicked")}>Click Me</button>
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efpage profile image

I did some research to get more clarity on this topic. See this page for more details.

Javascript functions are just objects, so they can be extended. We can add a new property to see what´s going on. Here we add a counter to a function. Each time, the function is called, the counter is increased:

// function sayHi(){
const sayHi = () =>  {
sayHi.counter = 0; // initial value

sayHi(); // Hi
sayHi(); // Hi

console.log( `Called ${sayHi.counter} times` ); // Called 2 times
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So, we can clearly see, the function only exists once and is called twice. This works with regular functions and with arrow functions in the same way.

Things are a bit different if we create the complete function body inside the an arrow function like this:

run2 = () => {
  let f = function (){
    f.counter ++
  f.counter = 0
  return f

let x 
x = run2(); x()
x = run2(); x()
console.log( `Called ${x.counter} times` ); // Called 1 times
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Here, each time run2 is called, we create a new function. But this happens only, if we create the whole function body inside the arrow function. It should not happen if we create the function outside and just use a reference.

iliadtoboggan profile image
Iliad toboggan

Is this not just an AI generated response to the title?

itric profile image

yep, it is. Actually it is a mixture of two LLM responses, i combined it and made some appropriate adjustments. I think it was useful to share so i did.

mmhgarcia profile image
Alberto G

I like your post. Good análisis. 👍👍

sabbircs profile image
Sabbir Hossen

I think i waste my time :(