As always, I'm interested in what other guys are doing with their tools.
This time I just wanted to see your desktop home screen.
Here is mine
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Mine is typical for a Mac user I guess? :D
I just don't like having files and folders on my desktop.
Awesome! Where can we find this wallpaper?
Thanks! Soo cool!
Thanks! :)
i think i'm gonna try this "clean" look, now that i see several ppl sharing...
Can you please inbox that image?
Well, I posted the source as another comment already. :)
Directlink to the desktop wallpaper:
that's good motivational wallpaper
Can you share that wallpaper?
Sure, here it is:
I'm afraid to using it, my boss has different interpretation.
I heard he likes kind of person who's work smarter than harder hehe,,
Another typical Mac user here. To Space!
Love the wallpaper. Where can I find it?
I can't find the original source on DeviantArt anymore ☹️ but here it is
Here is my desktop! I have a vertical monitor for my code and the other is just regular :). I use Ubuntu desktop. I am thinking about changing to a different distro if anyone has different suggestions.
Give Manjaro KDE a try. You won’t regret it.
Wow! Where can I get this wallpaper? :D
It's made by DigitalOcean's illustrators. Extremely talented people. Here is an imgur link with every single one they have done (including the java one you see here).
Here you are:
Thanks, guys! :)
Yup. Typical.
Mostly memes.
That bugs my mind... No desktop icons! Please....

Deepin Icons + GNOME Shell? Good choice!
Thanks! I'm also using the Arc GTK theme
Thank you!! I'm also using the arc-gtk-theme package...
Nice, what hardware you using?
wow ubuntu!
Arch Linux <3
This is the ideal desktop home screen. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Do you have another social networks so we could talk ?
man, I love this \m/
and once in a while I create a folder titled
and move all the clutter in it :DMy cool desktop

Love the wallpaper. Where can I find it?
Is it Fedora? Really beautiful!
It's Ubuntu 16.04 Gnome + ARC OSX + Flat remix icons + Plank
Use the command:
To hide all those icons.
You're welcome.
This is weirdly pleasurable to look at.
I can't even...
Here's something I made for a clutter like this.
Just put the .py file on your desktop and run it from terminal --> python
Thank me later.
dzheezuz how do you even function!?
How do you find them back?
Depending on a file I might just do a search within Finder to look for it. Eventually, all memes/funnies go into a folder and things look nicer for a week or two.
fk 😂😂😂😂
omg! pls open my eyes!
@walker , is your desktop still in it's peak form? If so, you've gotta share.
wow, chaotic!
The hero we all deserve
Nope. Just. Nooooooooope.
Wow, Here is a tool I built and open sourced to help organise you desktop, Please feel free to help with it :)
Love it !
I appreciate your courage 😂
Please sort or tidy up
Ubuntu 16.04
I use a tiling window manager (i3gaps) so I don't have a home screen, it's just a blank reddish space until I start something.
I want to move to Japan, and the wallpaper reminds me of this
wallpaper url please?
Gnome3 + Tint2, no idea how to put icons on my desktop ..
Wallpaper downloaded from
Hit the super key, type Tweaks, there'll be a Tab called Desktop, you can activate desktop icons there (just in case that wasn't a joke :) )

that looks like mine
Yeah, sure.

Love the minimal look.
How did you do it? :D Its cool
It is a combination of small tweaks:
You'll need Rainmeter (for the time display), translucentTB (see-through taskbar) and here some links for the wallpaper and the icons that I made.
Thank you! :)
Your icons are pretty cool. I downloaded them from the link that you gave. Can you provide the link where you got them from?
I can't seem to find the link but for most of them I had to download the png icon and then I just made it white and used those for the icons.
Can you share your wallpaper please?
Of course, here is the link.
How did u do that screen theme? :D
It is a combination of small tweaks:
You'll need Rainmeter (for the time display), translucentTB (see-through taskbar) and here some links for the wallpaper and the icons that I made.
I love it. this one is mine
Rainmeter Skin link for Date/Time please!
I love me some Ubuntu.
I miss Unity DE.
I still use Unity
The difference wasn't that big to me
I love it too!!
I love Kingdom Hearts
wow !
No desktop enviroment for me, I'm comfortable with only a window manager and plenty of CLI tools!
Taipei 101 😻
Arch linux is sexy!
Love it!!!!!! Can you please share the wallpaper?
Yes, here it is it's .bg.jpg
I try to keep mine pretty empty, just a bit of clutter here. Also I had to join the "Starman" fad.
Awesome one!
Ahead of your time :D
cc @elonmusk
Because smoking rockets are cool.
I like this pic, can you share ^
Hi Truýnh, got it at
Thanks ❤️
Love me some Gnome3 =)

Artist deviantart
Love the wallpaper. Where can I find it?
You can get it at the artist's deviantart link i provided
oh! thanks!!! :D
My work laptop is all screenshots of bugs, one small folder of stuff, and a case-sensitive volume. My desktop at home is a lot messier than this (and my actual desk is a nightmare).
Old screenshot, Archlinux + i3wm

i am using i3wm too :D
That's all. Simplicity is the essence of happiness.
I need this iconset :O please help me!
Low ram usage, super stable, full of developer tools. xubuntu is the one for me :)
I'm boring. I find the desktop picture distracts me. So here you go. Solid grey. Old school.
Here it is

which package do you use for this application bar on the top?
It’s called Plank. Here’s how to install it on Ubuntu (or any other Debian-based distro):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install plank
Nice, it's more beautiful than the Plank I've seen before. I'll try it on again, thanks!
Cool! I forgot to mention that the icons I’m using are from the Numix Circle package, you should try it too, it looks pretty good with Plank 😬
Cinnamon rules
Pretty standard Ubuntu 16.04 :)
That wallpaper is prettaaay!! Where can I get it :D
Here you go. Enjoy! :)
I'm a little late to the party but here's my homescreen:
the party is still ON!
hey that's mine!!!
Can you please share this wallpaper. It's amazing :)
The artist's dribble: Mikael Gustafsson
And the background: Also from dribble
BTW found it by googling the image that Amit shared :D
Here is mine: (Falcon Heavy 😍)
You may be wondering how my Desktop is so clean... Well, I use this command (for Mac only):
It means that all the stuff on your Desktop will no longer show up! (but still be accessible from Finder)
Windows usually have left click menu for them.
Here's mine!
Maybe the overview is just a bit more interesting :D

Mine's even more boring :D

"Crap" is the new Desktop.
Slapped in a random dark wallpaper to make my launcher bar not be the default purple. I rarely put anything on the desktop dir.
the knight seems cool. where did you get the wallpaper?
Here is mine. I'm affraid I love her.

NetBeans, yay!
IE is still there?
And calc.exe too? I find google better than calc.exe.
You have Chrome and FF on both desktop and taskbar. Why?
Lol, I agree, it looks like a mess. Right now, netBeans is my IDE. I'm trying Visual Studio Code, but the majority of my work is developed under Windows and, I kinda like it. Besides that, we don't use the most top-end technogolies (we don't even use git), so it works for me as is.
Calc is just a fast solution bringer. It's a custom.
Regarding to CH and FF, I used to use FF as my personal web browser and CH as my development browser. I loved FF extensions in his time. Now things has changed, but FF still remembers lots of my pswds. I'm migrating everything to CH but it will take some time. By now, I still use boths, but Chrome is gaining terrain.
Alright, so seeing the date of this post I'm very late to the party, but anyway, this is mine.
I don't use and desktop environment, but just a window manager (bspwm).
Aww, that's nice
Ah... Thank You!
Here it is
Hieronymus Bosch ftw! I have spent hours on this site exploring the details of that painting.
Ah ah Evan you made my day! Thank you!
I'm using a stock Mac wallpaper 🙈
I've never gone and actually putting up a cooler wallpaper, but I always appreciate those who do.
Yes, Game of Thrones.

could you provide the link and share your wallpaper ?
here you go
Needless to say, I don't like having anything at all on my desktop. I want to bask in the glory of whatever background I put :3 my linux distros same way.
I just love Vegeta
Over 9000! 😂
Awesome picture by the way Super Saiyan God is the only way to Windows go fast jejeje 😂
You can easily imagine mine. It is a black screen with no icons.
I pretty much never see my desktop, so there's no need to waste any memory/compute resources to render pictures, or to put icons there which never get touched. I have very frequently used apps pinned to task bar (about 6 programs). Semi-frequently is pinned to the start menu. Less frequently than that, I just search. I didn't intentionally structure things this way, it just naturally settled into that.
When I was a PC tech, I would periodically reformat my computer and start over. So I learned not to get too invested in my computer setups.
I almost never see my laptop's desktop. I tend to either
through my open programs, use Alfred to launch apps, or rely on Finder to open/view/move files. I honestly can't remember the last time I viewed the normal "desktop."That said, I do use a second monitor both at home and at the office. I used to have Tweetdeck open at all times, but ended up finding it too distracting. Now I only use the second monitor when I have specific ad-hoc work that helps make my workflow more efficient (usually doing something in another browser window, Excel, etc).
I now like to have a clean / minimalist / dark background on the second monitor, since it's squarely in my line of sight all day. I use a dark wood background I found online. The only program I usually have open is a simple Timer app. If I'm ever lacking motivation to do something, I'll usually "challenge" myself to make as much progress as I can in — say — 15 minutes, which helps break me out of the rut.
I second that... So I never understood the fascination about desktops... 🤷🏻♂️
Beginner Dev here :D.

Background name: Firewatch Arc
Theme Arc by niivui
Home screen consists of some rainmeter skins - Lano-Visualizer and Nougat Clock. Program for transparent taskbar is TranslucentTB
wow, LOL is very cool~
i am from venezuela. this is my work desktop.
I cant send printscreem :v
Looks dope. Share the wallpaper 😌?
You can use Markdown to show it:
This kid put smile on my face every time i open my desktop :p
is it ubuntu 16.04 with custom icons
ubuntu 16.04 with Arc Theme and Flat Remix icon
Mine is for (hopefully) welcoming LGBTQ folks

my desktop was hidden deep under the open programs, and the last time i saw it that close was in november or something. but my windows pc's desktop is a lot more popular: i hoard all the files i work with on the right monitor so at least the right monitor is always free of open windows.
Clean mostly but I like it.
KDE 5 + Latte Dock
Going for a hybrid GNOME Shell / Unity look.
Yes you can, here's my Ubuntu 17.10
Hey, you can use a Markdown image like this:
thank you
Just simple, green to calm, dock and menu bar autohide. I am always surprised why most of you and ppl around me losing workspace in the cost of these.
I use an awesome little Mac app called "WallCat" which sets a random desktop every day on any/all of your monitors. Really nice - even tho I hardly get to see it :P
Super simple, the background can be downloaded from
The apps on the dock are Chrome, Hyper, VSCode, GitHub Desktop, Steam, Postman and Sketch.
I know this is an old thread but I just found my favorite wallpaper
Other than that, the desktop is almost never used. At the moment all my screenshots are auto saved in there (I keep meaning to change location). All the junk (eventually including screenshots) are on the Downloads folder
But, that wallpaper ... I'm so proud to have come across it :)
But still i see comments
Linux mint!

Of course you can! I went the extra mile with this one :P
Hope you like it!
Lubuntu 17.10

Any guesses to what the wallpaper on my laptop is? This is my desktop.
Whose stand? DIO?
Jojo - the world?
Za warudo!
Manjaro Linux + Gnome @ work
Nice one!
Would you share your wallpaper? :)
Very nice!
I don't like icons on my desktop either, but I place ebooks that I have to read on it. It forces me to read to get a cleaner desktop haha.
great, may you share the wallpaper?
I'm affraid I can't. I use unsplash wallpaper for mac, so this is a random image from there. You can check to download it or check all images available.
Ubuntu Gnome 17.10 + Adapta GTK theme + Flat remix icon pack + Paper cursors
Ubuntu Unity + Arc-flatfabulous theme + Paper icons
Kubuntu 17.10 with KDE Plasma
Here is mine typical windows user 😂 the ugly one

it's a dual monitor shot
I use IFTTT and Dropbox to grab my most recent Instagram pic, and have command-line programs to set the desktop to an arbitrary JPG, which is is in my Dropbox folder. Well, JPG is required on Windows.
Hi devs,
My main computer is running under xUbuntu, so a dark/transparency version of xFce and no need of desktop icons. Each one of the 4 virtual desktops available on mouseWeel-scroll have different wallpapers.
Had experienced some times with Docky, a desktop dock with icons on the bottom of the screen, but really non need either. The fav' apps list in the main menu is enough, plus the search box.
Tastes, colors, etc are all personal and as long it works for you with your setup cool. That's just mine at that moment.
That's my windows 10 desktop
This is mine. Just the default wallpaper for now I'm afraid.
spartan xubuntu
A simple and clean desktop.
I don't like having too much stuff on my desktop, it cause me anxiety
Awesome wallpaper. Share it plz 🥺
here is mine
Keeping it clean and minimal!
In Windows, I always have a "desktop" folder on my Desktop!
I'm late to the party, but I call it clean XP.

Here's mine :)
Some years ago I used always RocketDock , but now I dropped, not sure why... I think I don't need it, or isn't practical since my setup is laptop on table, and second monitor upper the laptop monitor...
RocetDock is nicer when the monitors are side by side.
view fullsize
I think i will change it after this post :D
My colleagues say it's not a developer desktop. I don't have any shortcut on it. (I organize everything in Start Menu Live Tiles and folders. In the bottom left corner is the folder for text editors, development tools and IDE's)
Such a Linux Lover Desktop .
A genuine desktop. SIMPLE and REAL
That's mine ;]

Can you give me a download link to your wallpaper? lol. I really liked it. I tried searching for it but I can't find the exact image
here it is
Thanks. I really appreciate it.
This website is not a fan of 5K displays, so I had to resize it a bit. :)
My Ubuntu/Unity desktop is rather clean, my Windows desktop is a mess though...
background url pls :)
Here´s my desktop, I really like the octocat

I like it dark and blank.

Everything I need in the screen. Everything I store in my folder
Mine :)
Working on Satellite image recognition...
Ubuntu 16.04
I prefer not to have Desktop Icons.
Can you share your wallpaper please?
I love icebergs... hehe
@mr . Saurabh
here it is, on Google •ᴗ•
Thanks a lot bro... •Y•
This is mine. There isn't too much to see.
And this's mine.
Like a mess.

heere is mine :)
I thought Antergos was popular.
I'm on it at the moment. Was using Arch previously.
Here's mine with i3-gaps on Arch :)
Simple, with no icons!

I'ts a moving wallpaper from wallpaper engine <3
I know, I am cool
Love the wallpaper. Where can I find it?
Download Link:
This is my current windows setup. Everything pinned to the taskbar is what I use in my day2day life :)
Ubuntu 16.04
My colleagues say it's not a true developer desktop. I don't have any shortcut on it. (I use the Windows Start Menu Tiles and folders to organize my shortcuts. in the left bottom corner is the folder of text editors and IDE's)
Pretty Basic but love the Wallpaper!!!!!
I know I'm late, but here's mine
Another Mac Desktop workspace :)
Sadly I have a windows machine.

Why sadly?
I dont really like microsoft products, but I need to work with it.
I prefer linux much more.
Ohm, I see
I'm actually more productive with Windows environment...
I believe that people sould use what are more productive for them, at least when possible...
Yep, thats right. :)
But actually you can not develop windows forms application well on a linux environment. At least not yet. :D
Yep, you always need the targeting S.O. to compile properly...
Here's mine

Fedora XFCE

aside from code I <3 league
Like it simple.
Hi Devs,
Dark/Transparency xFce theme.
4 virtual desktops/wallpapers (onMouseWeelScroll).
. Just An Ubuntu With a Psychedelic Background And a Little Bit Of Transparent On Bars. :)
Learnin' some AWS, doin' some Docker installing, reading some .
This is my desktop for now.
Here is mine :p
I like my desktop ;)
Yep here it is a bit clean though :)
I'm sothy from Cambodia
Beautyful right?
Love it
Here's something clean :D
Less Is More!
Something like this :D
Clean desktop. Only open the panel when needed \m/
When I haven't cleaned it for days.
Here comes Budgie!
Fedora 27 <3
Mine looks like this. Empty, Just like my Life. But I love it.
Here is mine.
Mozart :)
Keep the clean
mad desktop .....
I just made this wallpaper to motivate myself.
Mine 8-)
I enjoy some quotes!
:)) is it beautiful :)) ??
KDE neon :)

Here is mine. Ubuntu 17.10 with wayland, terminator for my terminal needs and Gnome.
I go for notes, quotes and reminders. And lots of junk.
This is mine running on Windows 10
My personal logo for background. -^
Can i borrow your background? I will just put it to my desktop too. If you like. ☺
GG a little bit clean.
I'm using Wallpaper engine and the wallpaper is actually dynamic :3
Typical Gaming Laptop
The perfect doge
Este es el mio un poco fuera de la rutina.
As a rock climber and web developer
Put your crush photo as your wallpaper and share here, please!
Here i go.
Mad Desktop....
here is my desktop :D
Minimal as always :3
This is ...
Here's mine :)
Linux Mint.
Oh well.....
Ubuntu Gnome
Typical Anime User
AwesomeWM, Conky and a modified power arrow theme


Linux Mint 18.3 + Cinnamon desktop environment.
i feel noobie, can be able to publish my screenshot directly
Think and dream
Hiii. My ubuntu
Left (main) screen
Right screen
No time to explain.
do it!
Game of thrones fan.

Razor makes amazing wallpapers
The perfect doge IMHO
I just made this wallpaper to motivate myself !
ArchLinux + LXDE @ home
elementaryOS Loki 0.4.1 with Faba-mono-dark icons
I don't like having Desktop clutter.
Here is mine!
this little sun remind me that there is always hope :)))
Just a sunny tree.
My desktop home
mint 18.3
Super cool!
I try to keep it clean.
I try to keep it clean.
I my background pictures rotate, I have 10ish backgrounds, but this one happened to be on show in this moment.
I always thought less is more... and I also love Sailor Moon :D
Two monitors, so two screens:
Dual Screen, i3wm, xubuntu

i triyed to make it look pretty but it's missing something
My Homescreen
I need to update the color scheme of my widgets, but here's mine. macOS
Mine's pretty simple but, I like seeing one of my favorite pieces of fan art when I log on. (Also, usually I have the sticky notes pop up when i log in.)
Here's mine 😄

Where did you get that one? I love it
Your desktop home screen, the one with the deep web
I like to think that I do not want distractions on the desk or things that I should not worry about so much
Green is what I love! nrn
Here's mine peace!
Guess pretty typical for a uni student? :P
here's mine <3
Here is mine :p
Young gamer in progress
Awesome! Where can we find this wallpaper?
here it is, on Google •?•
I really wanted it as simple as it could be
A classic
Hmm, how about Mozart?
Here's something clean.
My desk is a mess, but at least my pc's desktop is clean :D
Windows 10 ( Modified )
Here is mine.. A clean Windows 10 desktop ;)
here is mine :D
love it.
It's my dog

Here is Mine.
In another world!
I love my Antergos.
Something to cheer up :)
F*cking awesome
This is mine :)
yepp, without any icon or something else
Hi. I'm a nerd.
How About this ;-)
I like it clean
Just. Build. (:

Typical Anime User
oh, what is your background
love it like this.
Here's mine
beautiful isn't it?
only a few stuff really.
Pretty standard mac desktop.
i3 FTW

This is may desktop set
Manjaro KDE
Anyone recognizes it?
No Desktop Icons.
nice ?
Nice wallpaper
My way..
I cant upload pick :V
I've made a few changes since this, but it's pretty close
Mine is too simple
it looks cool. Can you share this wallpaper with us? thanks
One of my favourite places on earth.
it's mine
KDE5 with black-arc theme. I am using several apps and plasma widgets from KDE e.g. Kontact, clipboard, gmailfeed, event calendar, to do list, excalibur menu etc.
Here is mine
This is mine :p
That's mine.
Just. Build.
Late to the party, sorry. But here we go:

No big thing
Here is mine.. A clean Windows 10 desktop ;)
Fedora/Gnome with a little bit of a reminder of why I need to make sure to get out more while here in Ireland
Here is mine
Kali Rolling
Sure,Buuuuwt im on windows :D
More FH!
Here's mine. Messy.
nehhh normallll :D !!!
My Win 10