Hi Dev Community!
2020 has been a year of learning for me and I'm positive that this has been the case for tons of other self taught developers ou...
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This year I'm trying to become a MERN stack developer actually! So my list looks something like this:
Wow, good luck on your journey. Regarding advices, I'd just say give yourself time and don't keep jumping between resources. That's some of the mistakes that I did. Once you feel confident, you can go for projects like a social network or e-commerce website using the whole MERN stack for a solid portfolio. Good luck!
Thank you for the advice. I'll definitely try not to rush through it and learn each topic properly.
You should definitely try framer motion. You'll love it. I recently learned it and used it in a project and thought why I haven't learned it earlier. And it can be easily used with styled components.
By the way, Great post and all the best !!
I'm absolutely going to! You're right, from the moment I visited the Framer Motion website, I've just been bewildered about all those amazing animations.
I felt the same !! :)
I presume you want to make more money.
Learn COBOL.
It's an awful language, in the same way that commercial Forth is dreadful, but you'll make 600 quid a day, every day, for the next 200 years for any bank in any country.
When you retire at 40, with a phat pension, no debts and whatever you like parked in the garage. It's a bit like being a brickie - all you've done is one thing on top of another but when your friends are working for the next 30 years and you aren't...
GraphQL is easy to learn but requires practice to develop a graph-based mindset. Check out short intros:
I have read in a blog that Node is very fast to handle requests because of its non-blocking IO nature but it gets slow down when many requests hits a NodeJS app where loop is being used on arrays and this is because of its single threaded nature. Can you please share your experience on this issue?
Good to learn Technologies That I'll Be Learning in 2021 as a MERN Stack Developer (with resources) is so meaningful for me.Thanks for sharing it. For more visit: cetpainfotech.com/technolgy/mern-s...
Wow. I will have to join you in these technologies
I am a React developer presently, I do frontend. Moving forward, I think this road map will be suitable for me.
I was about to do the same thing except tailwind and next.js, in fact i am watching ben awad's type graphql series.
That's awesome! How's it going so far?
Awesome! Following this guide which is followed by Ben in his tutorial.
Guide - typegraphql.com/
Nice! Thanks for sharing.
Cool list! I believe that these days MERN stack developers should also know SQL so it is good to see that you included PostgreSQL.
I think I would like to take on javascript and some js frameworks. Node, express and react and react-native. Those have always peaked my interest but I've always been afraid of Javascript. Any pointer/s suggestions?
Don't worry. You might feel uncomfortable in the initial stage and that's totally fine. Maybe you can try to code along some projects from YouTube to boost your confidence and then try to build something of your own. You don't have to learn 100% of JavaScript right when you begin. You can try Node once you're comfortable with the fundamentals and come back to plain JavaScript whenever you want to learn something new or revise.
Do you have any resources to things i should learn before mern stack?
If you have some knowledge of HTML, CSS and some modern JavaScript (including ES6), you can try Traversy Media, The Net Ninja or any YouTuber of your choice to refresh your knowledge. If you're looking for something more extensive, you can try out some Udemy courses. It's important that you make the leap of faith though. You'll be stuck on vanilla JS if you try to learn each and every aspect of it. So yeah, make the jump and come back to JS when you get the time.
Thank you i really appreciate
That's quite the list! I've dabbled in TypeScript, might spend more time on it this year.
Woah, RTC on my post. I'm really happy. It's great to see you here. Keep making those amazing and honest content :) Good luck to us with TypeScript!
This is literally my list though :P
Hehe, that's great. We're in this together. :P
this year I want to learn more about
1- Machine learning
2- Automation
I suggest focusing on only one thing, good luck.
I Gotta say that I've gotten the Tailwindcss bug this year and I'm loving it so far. It's straightforward and makes sense once you get used to all the class names.
Typescript and Graphql... absolutely to learn this year too...
For learning mern stack ; HTML,css,jsavascript,mongo,Express,react,nodejs.Are these enough to be mern stack developer ?
Yup, sure! These are enough to get started as a MERN stack developer and make some cool projects. Eventually you'll come across new technologies that excite you and can learn them accordingly.