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Ivan Zaldivar
Ivan Zaldivar

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Upload Files to Cloudinary with Node.js in 1 minute

Hi guys! Today I bring you a package that allows you to upload, list and delete files with various cloud services Cloudinary, Amazon S3

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βš™οΈ Setup

Before you start using Filesrocket you need to set up a simple Node.js project

Create project

mkdir my-filesrocket-app

cd my-filesrocket-app

code .
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Initialize project

npm i typescript ts-node -g

npm init -y

tsc --init --target es2018
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πŸš€ Get started

But before continuing you need to create a cloudinary account. If you don't have an account yet, click here and follow all the steps.

To start using Filesrocket it is necessary to install the dependencies.

npm i express filesrocket filesrocket-cloudinary

npm i @types/express -D
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Create src/index.ts file and copy the following content

import express from "express";

import { Filesrocket } from "filesrocket";
import { CloudinaryFileService } from "filesrocket-cloudinary";

// Initialize Filesrocket
const filesrocket = new Filesrocket();

// Setting service.
const service = new CloudinaryFileService({
  pagination: { default: 15, max: 50 },
  cloud_name: "<Your CLOUDNAME>",
  api_key: "<Your API KEY>",
  api_secret: "<Your API SECRET>"

// Register your service.
filesrocket.register("cloudinary", service);

const app = express();

// Register your endpoint"/files", async (req, res) => {
  const controller = filesrocket.controller("cloudinary");

  const files = await controller?.create(req, {
    extnames: [".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"]


app.listen(3030, () => {
  console.log("App execute in port:3030");
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With this simple example you can upload files to cloudinary. But remember that this is only the beginning, there is still more to discover, if you are interested I recommend you click here to visit the official documentation.

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