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50 Things I Wish I'd Known at My First Developer Job (Part 1)

Jacob Herrington (he/him) on August 19, 2019

I split this article into two parts because it was pretty long. This is a list of 50 things I would tell myself if I could go back in time a few w...
dillieo profile image
Sean Patterson

Can't wait for part 2!!! Regarding 8 and 9, I've found that becoming a "generalized specialist" has really been helpful. The industry changes so rapidly that knowing a little but about languages, or platforms, or architectures keeps the brain hungry and helps see new perspectives on problems. That said, I made .net my specialty since the early release days which is good when an "expert" is needed to come in or lead a project.

hosseinnedaee profile image
Hossein Nedaee

You don't need to know everything

But it's so scary when you see many people around you or on the GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn .. that they know many thing. It cause me to not focus just on a few things and try to learn everything and it's very overwhelming.
I don't know what should I put time to learn and master and what's not matter.
I actually need help for this problem.

trevor2542 profile image
Jack Sparrow

Sounds like you have imposter syndrome. If I may ask what do you specialize in terms of software development like the language, frameworks you use

hosseinnedaee profile image
Hossein Nedaee

Actually I think so I have imposter syndrome!
My most already experience is PHP language and Laravel framework.
but these days I'm trying to change my path to Javascript, I'm learning:
and also learn Linux

joshuaalpuerto profile image
Joshua Alpuerto

Thanks for your article!

Even if you aren't right, you should share your opinion when doing code reviews or pair programming.`

I don't think it's necessary to share your opinion if you know you are wrong. One thing I encourage is to always ask when in doubt or don't understand why they do it this or that way.

iarmankhan profile image
Arman Khan

Beautifully written! Waiting for part two!

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

I have it written, just gotta fix the formatting. 😉

sinteticwizard profile image
Ramon Ramirez


melaniephillips profile image
Melanie Phillips

I can’t thank you enough for this article. I needed this. 💚

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Super glad you liked it!!

julioforce profile image
Julio César

Great advices/tips, I'm just starting.

Thank you.

silvija_pro profile image
Silvija Prozinger

Thank you for this article, it's full of useful advice.

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Glad you liked it :)

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel

hello Jacob, thank you for sharing your experience, can you explain more about 8 and 9 more?


jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Hey Mohammad!

Software engineers tend to fit into a category of specialist or generalist, and each of those has benefits. Sometimes beginners think one is better than the other, but they are both viable career paths.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne • Edited

Number 25 - solid gold in this one alone.