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Cover image for Made sound effects for when I have an error
Jaden Concord
Jaden Concord

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Made sound effects for when I have an error

I recently added some tests to my javascript code for a frontend project.
Here is one of them for example,

test('Eval Template', EvalTemplate('let result = "hola"; return result;'), 'hola');
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I thought it would be cool to play some sounds when they passed or failed.

Its actually quite simple, you just wrap your main script in a function like start and use try and catch to check if there was an error and play sound.

function start(){
// in test.js
} // Thats the idea
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All you do to to play a sound is

new Audio('path/to/sucsess.mp3').play();
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And I didn't forget to make fancy console log stuff.

  font-weight: bold;display:block;text-align:center;border-radius:16px;');
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Now I hear a chime or error sound when testing which is actually quite helpful. If you do this, you should use VS live server or Atom live server extension for best experience.

Top comments (4)

cubiclesocial profile image

For a good time, make the failure sound be flatulence and accidentally place it into production.

(P.S. It is spelled "success" not "sucsess")

jadenconcord profile image
Jaden Concord

That would be funny, I worry I might forget to remove it when I deploy. Thanks for the grammar notice.

starryepidemic profile image


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This is good πŸ˜…

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