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Jaime A. Mendez
Jaime A. Mendez

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Setting up a TypeScript project with IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful Integrated Development Environment IDE developed by JetBrains for the most rigorous development environments. You can trust this IDE. It includes almost all features desired by developers, a large community is in the background, and a great company is behind the lines.

By default doesn't exist a TypeScript project template in IntelliJ IDEA. But don't worry, setting up a TS project is really easy:

The first time you must follow steps one and two, also when you reinstall your IDE.

  1. Ensure that you have the JavaScript and TypeScript plugin installed (Preferences | Plugins). IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences (window) | Plugins
  2. You must have installed TypeScript from your favorite package manager (npm, yarn, pnpm). Let's confirm on the application preferences the use of your TS version. IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences (window) | Languages & Frameworks | TypeScript
    The next steps are required to start a new TypeScript project.

  3. You must create a new project with a Node.js setup.IntelliJ IDEA | Files (menu) | New Project

  4. Ensure that you are using the right Node Interpreter and Package Manager (npm, yarn, pnpm)IntelliJ IDEA | New Project

  5. At this moment, you have a new Node.js empty project. Before continuing with your setup, you must create the TypeScript project initialing it to make their tsconfig.json file:

    tsc --init
  6. Before contiuing, you need to have a clear basic structure for your project as:

    • project
      • [ src | dev ] TS Source files
        • [ app | index | init | start | main ] initial TS file
      • [ prd | dist ]JS Compiled files
        • [ same name of TS file ] Initial JS file
      • ... others in the project

    To end this step, you must create the directories and your initial TS file. In my case, I created:

    • learning_typescript
      • dev
        • app.ts
      • dist
      • index.html
  7. It's highly recommended that your tsconfig.json file includes almost these directives in compiler Options:

    • target: es2017 (Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations.)
    • module: commonjs (Specify what module code is generated)
    • rootDir: ./dev (or src, Specify the root folder within your source files)
    • moduleResolution: node (Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier)
    • sourceMap: true (Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files)
    • outDir: ./dist (Specify an output folder for all emitted files)
    • esModuleInterop: true (Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility)
    • forceConsistenCasingInFileNames: true (Ensure that casing is correct in imports)
    • strict: true (Enable all strict type-checking options)
    • skipLibCheck: true (Skip type checking all .d.ts files)
  8. Your typescript project looks good, but is not working yet, in this step you must configure the eslint tool.

    eslint --init

    And you must confirm any parameters such as (use your own choices):
    Ok to proceed? (y) y

    ✔ How would you like to use ESLint? · style
    ✔ What type of modules does your project use? · esm
    ✔ Which framework does your project use? · react
    ✔ Does your project use TypeScript? · No / Yes
    ✔ Where does your code run? · browser
    ✔ How would you like to define a style for your project? · guide
    ✔ Which style guide do you want to follow? · airbnb
    ✔ What format do you want your config file to be in? · JSON
    Then the initializer will check any peer dependencies.
    ✔ Would you like to install them now with npm? · No / Yes
    At this moment, your project has a new file: .eslintrc.json, but if you want to use the console, you need to allow it feature by modifying the rules adding a new:

    "rules": {
    "noConsole": false
  9. Your file package.json was updated with the proper devDependencies. Let's go to update some features of our package.json file with your choices:

    "main": "./dist/app.js",
    "script": {
    "start": "tsc && node dist/app.js",
    "devDependencies": {
    "eslint": "^8.11.0", //(Your current version and before of eslint elements)
    "typescript": "^4.6.2" //(Your current version and before of eslint elements)

    As a good practice, I encourage you to set or update your version, description, keywords, author, and license.

  10. Great, but we need to perform a pair of duties more by setup TypeScript in our IntelliJ Idea, to do it, you got to Run/Edit Configurations menu. IntelliJ IDEA | Run (menu)

  11. We add new configuration (use any of the arrows) IntelliJ IDEA | Run/Debug Configuration (window) | Init

  12. And choose a Node.js configurationIntelliJ IDEA | Run/Debug Configuration (window) | Add New Configuration

  13. Update your JavaScript file according to your basic structure, and your package.json file. Also, it is mandatory that you implement a new Before launch task, choose in the menu: Compile Typescript. IntelliJ IDEA | Run/Debug Configuration (window) | Node.js
    And allocate your tsconfig.json file. IntelliJ IDEA | TypeScript Compile Settings (window)

Well, at this moment, our project looks something like this:
IntelliJ IDEA | Project (tab)

And it is great, but now we will test it.

In your app.ts file we can write:

const a = "1";
console.log( `Say hello world!!! ${a}`);
console.error( 'HAS type error', );
console.error( 'NOT type error', a );

And immediately the Lint in IntelliJ idea shows an error:IntelliJ IDEA | Code (tab)
It is because a constant doesn't have a foo function property, in fact, the DataType is a String. This error doesn't allow us to run our project.

But if we comment on the third line (were appears method)
IntelliJ IDEA | Code (tab)

Then the error is off of our test and can be run, as result in our run console we can see:
IntelliJ IDEA | Run (tab)

Thanks for reading, now you can work on your own project. Enjoy it.

If do you want copy or fork the project, this is available on GitHub

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