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Hello, world! I'm James :)

James Cox on August 17, 2020

It's nice to meet you Being my first post, I thought it would be fitting to share my newly-hosted portfolio site, made...
valentindududu profile image
Valentin D.

Hello James, I'm world

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Hi Valentin! Touche!

hxii profile image
Paul (hxii) Glushak

Firstly - welcome!

Great work on your portfolio and projects! I do hope you're open to some criticism though.

Imagine yourself being a visitor (even on from a less privileged country when it comes to internet connection quality. Let's say the best you could muster is a Fast 3G connection. How annoyed would you be with this?
16 seconds

Let's assume you somehow, miraculously got a fiber connection (let's say 600/85, based on and you revisit the page. You see this. How annoyed would you still be?
5 seconds

Do you see where I'm getting at?

jamesncox profile image
James Cox


Thank you for your compliment and your feedback! I admit that I hadn't considered the load speed on different connections. I will have to look into the longer load times on slower connections. My first instinct is my picture files are probably a lot larger than they need to be. But I'm sure there are other factors at play. Thank you again and I appreciate you taking time to comment!

jwp profile image
John Peters

Welcome to James!

I can assure you the IT world needs English majors in the worst way. It's always a nice surprise to read well crafted technical articles. Please post often!

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Thanks John! To be honest, I haven't written very much since graduating. I worked on a novel for a couple years, but it never really took off.

I am currently working on a series of blog posts about using various React hooks, and I hope to have the first one out soon (maybe by the end of today?)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Congrats on your first post and welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Thank you, Nick! Nice to meet you! I already prefer DEV to Medium. Wondering why it took me so long to switch over!

tlylt profile image
Liu Yongliang

Looking forward to your articles🦄

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Thanks, Liu! I hope I don't dissapoint ;)

pholisa_fatyela profile image
Pholisa Fatyela

Welcome, James

I truly loved your post. I can't wait to read more

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Thank you, Pholisa! I can't wait to write and share more! I hope to have my first technical article up later today!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Welcome to DEV James!

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Thank you, Andrew! Happy to be here!

sanderdebr profile image

Hi James, welcome to Dev! Awesome post to read and GIF FIT looks cool, if you ever want to do a project together hit me up :-))

jamesncox profile image
James Cox

Thank you, Sanderdebr! That sounds awesome. I am currently idea-less for projects at the moment. So I'm flling my time with a series of blog posts using React hooks based on a simple timer function I created. If you have any ideas let me know!

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

It is well optimized for mobile, nice. But wouldn't it be good to involve less click on desktop as well?