DEV Community

Why cant I master ReactJS

Jason Cruz on May 24, 2022

Are you a Jedi React Master? I can not find a decent tutorial that can go in depth with the discussion about React JS. And right now wi...
ecyrbe profile image

Hello Jason,

Your message looks a little alarming. I can give you some tips, but i guess nothing will make you solve your issues in one day.

  • If React or Frontend development are alltogether hard for you, maybe you should switch technologies ? There are plenty technologies that would allow you to build for the web without knowing a thing about javascript : example, blazor for c#, or Yew for Rust.
  • If react router is a mystery for you, maybe switch to Next.js as it uses routing mapping from directory structure.
  • if css is too obscure, maybe try a tailwind css, it can help you get started without knowing everything about CSS.

Now i hear you when you said you where assigned a project. I'll assume a web project. And i also assume you are not a frontend developper, so your employer should also be aware that you are not efficient in it.

So if a can give you an advice: give you a break. Ask to switch projects. Accept failure.
If i where you, i'd go to my manager and explain why this task should not have been given to me but to a frontend developper.

This would make your company save money, and you your sanity.

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

oh also, come to find out. I have been using this extension on my browser called Privacy Badger.. smdh

Just now, i was so frustrated with life and coding that I said to hell with Privacy Badger! And refreshed my page, who would have thought.. it was the damn extension blocking my page from appearing..

im blown away as to why..

at this point, i dont even care tbh, im just glad its working now!

lmao (facepalm)

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

The nonprofit knows what I can and cant do, for sure. But its been a frustruating day altogether. I took a break and feel alittle better. I wont give up because Ill be right back where I started and thats at zero. Id rather push through it and manage it. Ill take a look at those other suggestions you mentioned, thanks for your comment!

swastikyadav profile image
Swastik Yadav

For me ReactJs and it's ecosystem is the way to go. I am working with React for last 3 years and never felt overwhelmed.

And it is true that JS makes you better in React and vicea versa. Because React is completely a JS paradigm.

In fact it is closer to JS then HTML.

If your experience with react is this bad. I wonder what it will be with other libraries and framework like Angular and view.

Anyways, No offense at all. It is all about preferences.

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

not offended, I posted it up to get it off my chest. Javascript and React where the first languages I really learned in the beginning, but im more frustrated with expecting too much of myself i feel. We're our worst critic, im sure you can understand that.

swastikyadav profile image
Swastik Yadav

Yes, I totally get that.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I used to hate JavaScript and every time I had an interview where they asked me if I knew JavaScript it filled me with dread. Because back then JavaScript was just really hard and complicated in my opinion.

But that all changed when I finally found some good teachers to learn from. Having a good teacher that has a learning style that works for you is the secret to getting good with any programming language.

You need to find the passion for JavaScript otherwise you will prevent yourself from learning it properly. CSS is not too bad if you are struggling that much you could just learn a framework like Tailwind CSS.

kristinegusta profile image
Kristine Gusta

I am not saying - give up, I truly believe anyone can learn React, it is just a matter of time. However, if it does not bring you joy - perhaps you are more suitable to be a purely Backend developer? I don't know where you are from, but where I live Backend developers are more in demand than Front end !

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

Would be nice to find a nice remote job there..

jonaspetri profile image
Jonas Petri

If you want to copy decent CSS snippets, check out things like Bootstrap ( or find some good UI library that you like (here’s a list of ones for React specially:

Also, if you love Python, you can now use it in frontend with PyScript (!

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

I seen this! Im excited!

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

You don't need tutorials just Docs, and honestly nothing hard about react router 6, it is even easier. JavaScript is the most powerful web language so if you hate it you are writing maybe an old JS syntax not a new one. Also UI Designer and writing CSS is not the same you develop what the designer gives you.

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

Your right! The docs is all you need and hands on work! You cant have one without the other either..

Id rather develop what the designer gives me, so i know what to work on, then make itnup as i go along.

Whats also amazing, yesterday I ran into a YouTube video that opened up my eyes on what to expect when working with a team of developers.. from wire frames to sprints to standups..

Working alone, i skip all these steps! Ill need to continue doing them as if, to keep me in the flow of things.. it was very informative!

evansifyke profile image
Melbite blogging Platform

I have been into React for 4+ years now. I have learned a lot. React is growing at a fast rate, new features are being developed each day, and libraries and dependencies are updated each day. React and its ecosystem will piss you off sometimes but by the end of the day, you'll definitely have to choose it because of its large support and advanced features...
Who agrees with me that React and NextJs are among the best...

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

I agree with u, its a love/hate relationdship.

jwp profile image

Javascript is hard until you get it. The ugly parts are well known. React is easier but it's opinionated. Finally CSS is horrible try SCSS instead.

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

Im looking into SCSS!

jwp profile image

I'd say skip React, Angular and Vue go to Html 5 Webcomponents and Javascript or Svelte first. All the others have overhead.

leperezl profile image
[ Lu 1998 ]

bro get some Sass and work with functions and mixins. Css is always tedious but you gotta use some elbow grease and it will be fine.

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

good tip, thanks!

lockykeaney profile image
Locky Keaney

Routing with React (or an SPA for that matter) is one of the most bespoke things to implement in a project in my experience. No 2 app's I've worked on have routed the same way, and as it gets bigger the routing gets more difference.

Don't beat yourself up over this, it's just one of the things that comes with FE dev. In fact I've just finished up developing a new routing pattern for a large project, and seeing the fetch calls reduced and no screen lag feels pretty good. Used to hate routing, now I like it.

FE is quirky, like really quirky. Don't be surprised when you get stuck, celebrate when it clicks!

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

Other than mozilla what do you like using?

willypuzzle profile image
Domenico Rizzo

If you don't want be a frontend developer but only (or mainly) dealing with python backend, then try to find a position as backend developer.

jasoncruzdev profile image
Jason Cruz

I may just do that!

codingjlu profile image

Why are you doing frontend work if you hate frontend? Why not do some Python work? If you need to do frontend, why React if you hate React? Why not do some Vue or Svelte? Whatever.