DEV Community

Jawad Hayat
Jawad Hayat

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7 strategies to master git reset:

1. Understand the Basics

Grasp what git reset does.

It changes the state of your repository.

It can move the HEAD, change the index, and adjust the working directory.

2. Use --soft for Safe Resets

When you use git reset --soft, it keeps changes in the index.

This is perfect for undoing commits but keeping your changes staged.

3. Apply --mixed for Moderate Resets

The default git reset --mixed keeps changes in your working directory but unstages them.

This helps when you want to edit your changes before committing again.

4. Go Hard with --hard

git reset --hard wipes changes from the index and working directory.

Use this only when you are sure you want to discard all local changes.

5. Reset to a Specific Commit

Point to a specific commit by using git reset .

This rewinds your repository to that commit, making it easy to undo mistakes.

6. Be Cautious with Branches

Always ensure you're on the correct branch before resetting.

Resetting the wrong branch can cause loss of important work.

7. Combine with git reflog

Use git reflog to view the history of HEAD changes.

It helps you recover commits after a reset, ensuring you don't lose valuable work.

Mastering git reset can save you from many headaches.

Use these strategies to handle your repository with confidence.

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