DEV Community

JC Smiley
JC Smiley

Posted on

Hey aspiring Devs, the world doesn't know your worth

Here is the honest truth for aspiring developers; the world doesn't know your worth. They didn't see the hours you sank into learning and building. They haven't looked at that awesome side project you built that could bring value if someone used it. They don't know your worth. It's up to you to tell them.

Someone once told me "A closed mouth doesn't get fed". We have to find ways to stand out with our best work. We need those one-on-one conversations so they can see the passion in our eyes. Look for ways to open closed doors and to be in rooms where people are making decisions.

Someone I admired gave these tips to a crowd of promising tech professionals:

  1. What are you building and does anyone know you building it?
  2. What are you learning and is it in demand?
  3. What is your platform to be visible and are you consistently using it?

I would love to hear from others their answers to the questions above.

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