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Build a Beautiful Website with VuePress and Tailwind.css

Jen Looper on December 17, 2018

Recently I've been working on web sites. Big deal, right? As a web developer, it's kind of my thing. For me, though, this is a change in direction....
skoontastic profile image

Hi Jen,

Under Edit Vuepress to support Tailwind you have:

First, in .vuepress/theme/config.js, edit the code to use postcss to import the tailwindcss plugins and config file.

I think that should be just .vuepress/config.js.

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

ah! you are right. Editing...

george profile image
George Nance

This is a great article! Thanks, Jen, I just started using tailwind. It's really amazing but I feel like I need to take some CSS refresher classes so I can understand the basics again to use it right.

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

This is a good point. I found myself hanging out a lot in the inspector, reminding myself of weird things you have to do to make your background image behave. Once you remember the css, then you find the abstraction in Tailwind and can move on. Eventually I am assuming I'm going to have some tried and true designs I can just spin up for the various small websites I need. :)

george profile image
George Nance

How do you feel about using this for a large project ? I would love to see the performance on it vs vanilla css.

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jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

I think it will do really well. The key would be to shrink down that tailwind css file as much as you can, and even minimize it if possible. In terms of Vue.js itself, it has very good performance. I'm going to run our sites through lighthouse and try to make them as performant as possible. You can follow our progress at, which is already a Tailwind.css site, but with a custom static site genertor, to see how moving to VuePress will impact it.

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ohffs profile image

I've used tailwind a bit and usually run it through the PurgeCSS pipeline to cut down the size.

It pretty much just does a grep for every tailwind class in your vue/js/html files and if there is no match - it removes it from the css file. You can over-ride it if you're doing some fancy inline-template/variable-substitution stuff too :-)

It's especially nice as you don't need to change the tailwind config at all while you are developing - so you don't find yourself deleting a load of stuff then thinking 'damn, I wish I had those orange background colours after all...' ;-)

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jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

This is a super tip. I'll edit the article accordingly and credit you! Thank you!

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ohffs profile image

Goodness - it's like christmas has come early :-D Thank you! :-D

zuzust profile image
Carles Muiños

Very useful article! Have you tried Gridsome? If not, you should give it a shot. I would love to read your thoughts regarding which use cases are best suited for one or another.

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

I haven’t, it’s be interesting to take a look.

zuzust profile image
Carles Muiños

The thing is that I'm not sure it's possible to build a multisection page where the contents are splitted in several markdown files with VuePress. That's not its main goal I guess.

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berkmann18 profile image
Maximilian Berkmann

VuePress (in my understanding) is meant for documentation websites whereas Gridsome can accommodate any (Markdown-based or Vue-based) static sites so I think Gridsome might be better for your use case.

However, I haven't used both (other than a small start with Gridsome) so I can't say where VuePress is more suited than Gridsome or Nuxt; but I'll love to read about that from someone who knows.

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jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

Lucky you! I wrote a nice article on this. Jokes aside, VuePress can be extended to cover many use cases, as can Gridsome. I had a pretty good experience with VuePress so will stick with it. One thing I wouldn't recommend is Hexo. For Nuxt, I'd use it for sites that have more sophisticated needs (such as

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berkmann18 profile image
Maximilian Berkmann • Edited

Would you recommend VuePress for a portfolio website (like this one) and/or a company one with a portal (like

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jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

hm, for the first site, there's a lot of custom styling, and VuePress might honestly get in the way of that. SpiritCartel seems pretty complex...honestly I might go for Nuxt on those sites.

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berkmann18 profile image
Maximilian Berkmann

Okay, thanks for the insight. I'll have a go at Nuxt.

vaibhavshn profile image
Vaibhav Shinde • Edited

Just what I was looking for!
But the problem now is that the build time is 10x more.
It only took 1-2s to build before, now it takes 10-12s by adding tailwind

Is there a way to cache the tailwind file?
I think it is being generated on each build in the dev server.


Found a fix!

Instead of importing it in the style tag, import it in the script tag as the tailwindcss page specifies.
This saved my time from 10s to 0.6s!

Add the following line to your script tag

import './styles/tailwind.css';
celticparser profile image
Jason Alan Kennedy

Hi Jen,

I didn't read thru all the comments but there is an important correction needed:

...a static site generating tool to create nice-looking documentation (an example is VuePress's own site)...

Actually Vue (and Vuepress) does not use Vuepress for their documentation/sites; They use Hexo. I know, odd... but look at the repos - They even mention it in several places and all of Vue's docs are opensource (except vuepress) running on Hexo.

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper • Edited

Hold on a second.

I didn't say the Vue.js docs are built with Vuepress (it's well known that they aren't...yet). But the Vuepress docs site does, as I stated. The Vuepress docs are here:, and you can contribute as per usual. You can see the .vuepress file right in the expected place. - the scripts don't lie

red_is_cool profile image

Awesome article! I understand losing some of the boilerplate functionality of vuepress is necessary to implement custom styles but is there a way in which I can still utilise the boilerplate sidebar functionality? For instance when creating markdown files the headings would automatically create sidebar navigation.

bhaidar profile image
Bilal Haidar

Hey Jen, nice article!
What's the local() method used to specify the font family?


jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

Can you show me where it is? thanks!

cypris75 profile image

Thanks a lot Jen! This post helped me a lot. I documented my learnings as well in this post:

I hope it helps someone!

juankortiz profile image

Love the combination between VuePress and Tailwind. Great article!

dave_it profile image
Dave Porter

Thanks Jen,
Just wondering if you considered Vuetify, as it's specifically aimed at Vue ?

TIA, Dave

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

Hi, yes, big fan of Vuetify. We use it for For this project, I want total control of my look-and-feel and I don’t need components, so Tailwind made more sense. Depends on your needs :)