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Website Navigation: Is a 'Home' Link Necessary in the Main Menu?

Should websites include a "Home" link in the main menu?

Traditionally, this has been a common practice on many websites.
However, some may argue that having a separate menu item for 'Home' might be redundant or unnecessary as the logo often being a direct link to the homepage.

Pros of Including a "Home" Link:

It provides a clear, visible option for users to navigate back to the homepage from any page on the site.

User Expectations:
Many users are accustomed to seeing a "Home" link in the main menu, which can enhance usability and reduce confusion.

SEO Considerations:
Having a "Home" link can potentially benefit SEO, as it reinforces the importance of the homepage in site structure.

Arguments Against Including a "Home" Link:

Since the logo typically links to the homepage, adding a separate menu item might clutter the navigation without adding significant value.

Space Optimization:
Removing the "Home" link can streamline the menu, making room for more important or frequently accessed links.

Design Aesthetics:
Depending on the websiteโ€™s design, having fewer menu items might contribute to a cleaner, more modern look.

Top comments (2)

obceylan profile image
Ozan Ceylan

I think it is necessary because accessibility is more important than space optimization or design aesthetics. Also i think redundancy concern is caused by approach the issue with engineering perspective.

jennavisions profile image

Hello @obceylan,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I agree, that having a 'Home' link can help with accessibility.
Balancing that with design is also important.
I believe it also depends on the site's audience and the devices we're building for.