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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on January 17, 2020

πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small πŸŽ‰ Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

Went to wallmart and got a deal on Blueberry pop tarts.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Did they come with sprinkles on the frosting? Asking for a friend.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

They had the frosting I think it had confetti colours but I would not describe as sprinkles

Thread Thread
ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

Bummer, the plain old Blueberry is my favorite

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andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

No frosting?!?

Thread Thread
ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

I know I might seem like a heathen to some. I just remembered, as a kid, having toasted, I frosted blueberry pop tarts and a glass of chocolate milk.

autoferrit profile image
Shawn McElroy

Pro Tip:
30 minutes.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

IT'S A THREE OFFER FRIDAY! I feel incredibly lucky to be entertaining multiple job offers.

One company made it an extremely easy decision!

I'm starting in early February at an awesome new job. Will make it official soon!

In the meanwhile, I'm taking a React deep dive after being out of the pool for awhile. Time to drink the kool-aid....

vintharas profile image
Jaime GonzΓ‘lez GarcΓ­a

Congrats on the new job! πŸ˜€

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor



ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

Congratulations, that's incredible!

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Wooooh! Congratulations πŸŽ‰

dzhavat profile image
Dzhavat Ushev

I had two wins:

  • Gave a short talk (5-7 min) in front of 50+ people for the first time. Was very nervous but it went really well. Even enjoyed it! Should try it again :)
  • Published a new VS Code extensions and wrote about it.
philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Congrats on the public speaking. It’s so hard the first time, glad to hear it went well enough to tempt you to go again!

dzhavat profile image
Dzhavat Ushev

Thanks. I've been having thoughts about trying public speaking for some time now. And the only way to find out if this is something for me or not is by seizing the opportunity. A colleague helped me with the preparation. So far so good. Looking forward to the next one :)

vintharas profile image
Jaime GonzΓ‘lez GarcΓ­a

Since the new year I've been focusing on doing stuff to have more energy and vitality throughout the day. The basics: eat well, sleep well and exercise daily. This week so far I've worked out every morning, 5/5 days 😁. That's my big win this week πŸ˜€πŸ‘

practicingdev profile image
Practicing Developer • Edited

Keep at it, there is no limit to how much these kinds of changes can improve your life.

One book I would recommend checking out if you haven't seen it yet is The Compound Effect. It really drives home the point that small improvements over time can grow into huge gains if you just stick with them.

aleksandrhovhannisyan profile image
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan

Nice! Do be wary of working out daily, though. You may not feel it your first week, but it will exhaust you more than it will help you (and won't give your muscles the rest they need to grow).

rafaltrojanowski profile image
RafaΕ‚ Trojanowski

Started new project, helped to track down a tricky issue, and created an account here! HAPPY Friday

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Welcome to RafaΕ‚!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury

What's that project? Need any help?

matheus profile image
Matheus Calegaro

I built my first game only using basic html, css and js πŸŽ‰

mnepita profile image
Martin Nepita

this is awesome!!!

vintharas profile image
Jaime GonzΓ‘lez GarcΓ­a

Awesome! Great job! πŸ‘

aleksandrhovhannisyan profile image
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan

Nicely done! I lost at 9.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Nice! Love that classic game.

Guitars and more guitars being played

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos πŸ‘€

@jess I had not written a blog post in ages and I finally got to write one today that I had in my head for some time and it seems pretty well received so far.

b4two profile image

made my personal website but couldn't manage to link the domain lol

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

If you'd like some assistance looking into it, feel free to send me a message 😊

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•

Same for me πŸ™Œ

b4two profile image

sir, you are a lifesaver

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith • Edited

My latest post received a lot of positive attention from the community, I am grateful and proud that others can benefit from it.

abdullahdibas profile image
Abdullah Di'bas

What a great article, I've read it, and shared it with my friends, without a doubt it's a big win.

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

Thank you!

khrome83 profile image
Zane Milakovic

Yeah you did! It was a good article.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich

You definitely hit on something... The 2020s could be the era of the postmodern JavaScript framework.

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

Yeah, it will be interesting to see what happens in the JavaScript and the web over the next few years.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

It's a sad and happy day. I'm leaving my awesome co-workers from Shotgun but new beginnings Monday. All that to say, my big win this week is all the kind words my co-workers sent to me on my last day. I just want to leave some here because they meant a lot to me.

I also think it's great to acknowledge positives for the times when you doubt yourself.

  • "From the first day you joined our team you were asking questions, challenging assumptions and generally making a nuisance of yourself. Less than 2 weeks later you were improving everyone’s workflows and going above and beyond as a customer advocate. And you just didn’t stop. Thanks for all you’ve done, and for setting such a high bar for others to follow."

  • "I’d like to second xxx’s sentiments, Nick…
    I think in the months to come, more and more folks will realize what a driving force and passion was lost with you leaving…
    I’ll be in your Twitter DM’s soon enough!"

  • "Dude! Nick, will miss you man. Thanks for all the love and effort you put into making Shotgun better. I especially appreciate you banging on the conditional permissions UI for us, above and beyond the call of duty for sure. 😊 Best of luck in your next gig!"

  • "Nick Taylor!!! You will be missed for sure. Not only will Shotgun miss your incredible ninja skillz but you’re just awesome to work with. We’ll be rooting for you (and secretly hoping you come back sooner than later) 😊"

  • "Nick! Remember that awesome pic you sent me over Slack? It’s going into my blackmail time capsule for a rainy day. Just kidding 😊. I’m confident that your new outfit will quickly realize that they’ve hit the jackpot with you. It’s been a real pleasure learning from you."

Shotgun fam, you are awesome, thanks for the kind words and I will miss you all.

stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

I had an amazing farewell party party organised by my colleagues, lots of kind words, tears and presents that show they really know me 😊 I'm going to miss them in my new job!

Followed the next day by giving my first talk of the year, and getting some awesome feedback both in person by people after the talk and on LinkedIn the following day.

Ready to prep for the new job now!

walidmahade_45 profile image
Mahade Walid

good luck

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I got through an emotionally rough day this week. I feel considerably better than I did early.

And, today is my last day as a contractor. My employer offered me a full-time position which goes into effect on Tuesday.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Ayyy, congrats on going full-time!

luizwbr profile image
Luiz Felipe Weber

I did the automation of a job that took 3 days to do, to be done in 10 minutes

sunnyb profile image
Sun-Li Beatteay

Optimized one our API endpoints and reduced the average response time from 8-10 seconds to 2-3 seconds.

It was quite nice to see the Grafana metrics when the change went live.

grafana metrics graph

kimsean profile image

bought my new macbook pro and finished a feature on a system

oksoimdave profile image
dave medlock πŸ§”πŸ»

Finally wrote up the second part in my SQL/JSON series - I've been putting it off for a couple of weeks now.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

I learnt GatsbyJS this week and boy I was so much into errors right from the installation!!!

I don't know why in Windows it needs a Visual Studio Build Tools 2015 package just for creating the project with CLI! 😠

But I managed to fix the issue by myself without anyone's help and posted the fix to the community! 😁

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss • Edited

Deployed my demo application to netlify and heroku. The deploy is still a little buggy, but if people want to have a short-lived anonymous chat, they can do so here: and navigate to the chat rooms page. (I think if I deploy it all to heroku, it'll be less buggy). But hey, if you are able to leave a message, say hi from what country you're texting from! I'm interested to see where it's being used!

TL;DR -- I'm calling this a half-win / half-loss because the demo is not perfect (but hey, a dev community understands that code can be buggy sometimes, right?)

garmien profile image

Finished and presented work so far on an Electron application which is planned to be deployed on a lot of customers machines (and I'm the only developer on the application). Next step is finishing the deployment/updating part, and beginning some automated unit testing.

It's been challenging, but I'm pretty proud of my result.

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

I finished a rewrite of the test suite of devise-authy, a gem that I didn’t write but now maintain. This is the first part of a bunch of work to start feeling confident in understanding how it works and soon adding new features.

Seeing those tests all run green and coverage hit 100% was a joy!

practicingdev profile image
Practicing Developer • Edited

For a while I have been helping a company write up design documents for a complicated product idea that until recently, we couldn't figure out how to whittle down to an MVP.

But today, when discussing with another collaborator on that project and trading ideas, we realized we have finally figured out how to build a meaningful prototype!

After 2.5 years of chipping away at this problem space off and on in tiny slices, I am excited to turn some of our best ideas into something real.

zakwillis profile image

Hi all. Completed two out of three parts of my Automated Processor Deployment application framework. This has already been helping me run my data automation on my property/real estate platform - but I realised it is much more meaningful than that. One small piece to finish and I should be integration testing it next week.

jamiemccarville profile image
Jamie McCarville πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

My win this week was releasing the project that I have been working on and writing a blog post about it. I made a site called JS Flashcards using Vue. You can check out the site at and the blog post at Comments and suggestions welcome!

simo97 profile image

Bought a new access point, but was unable to use it with my current SIM card, it takes a micro-card in fact, so i cropped my SIM card to the right size and now it is stuck in the access point but it is working now.

Am sooo happy

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans • Edited

I switched from Sourcetree to Fork and am loving it so far πŸ’™
Also trying out Alfred (free version).

And I received the DEV thank you bundle πŸŽ‰ So happy to be part of this community!

edwinthinks profile image
Edwin Mak

I started meditating again this week. I use to meditate every day before work and I have fallen out of that habit.

Glad to report that I've meditated 2 days in a row this week already!

bycedric profile image
Cedric van Putten
  • (Finally) published my first post on
  • Release a prototype I initially made as an exercise on expo-community
  • Met some friends I didn't see in a while again
boncheff profile image

Spending a number of days trying to figure out how a legacy PHP service works due to a bug we encountered and finally managing to get it just before going home yesterday (Friday night). I knew this weekend would be even better after finding the issue!

cskonopka profile image
Christopher Konopka

I created a single-page ReactΒ website called β€œBurgers4Bryce” to encourage friends in various circles to share memories and love for a person we know (Bryce) that is going brain cancer treatment for the third time.Β 

daniknik profile image

Got two offers from big companies)

pp profile image
PaweΕ‚ Ludwiczak
liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas in 2019

150K+ unique users
1.5M+ page views
15.5K+ GitHub stars

in 3.5 months (September 16 - December 31)

codebymdb profile image
Michael Bonner

Creating my first Vue blog and deploying it to AWS

luciagirasoles profile image
Mayra Navarro

This week was my first technical interview! I don't think I can make it but I could see what I need to improve for the next one. Also, one of the last companies I applied said they are still interested in me.

noelie_roux profile image

I wrote my first article on this morning! And I'am pretty happy about it

emma profile image
Emma Goto πŸ™

I gained the 4 week streak badge on DEV this week! Keen to keep on blogging to hit the next streak badge.

simme profile image

Started my new job as a developer πŸ₯‘ at Load Impact / k6 and it feels soooooo good! πŸ₯³ Really looking forward to work full time with developer communities. πŸš€

jheld profile image
Jason Held

Went back to an old API, ran some experiments and potential to drop several seconds of API latency from it.

khrome83 profile image
Zane Milakovic

I had a really interesting conversation with a founder about what they were building, and if I could help.

Small steps. But it was a nice surprise.

bradcypert profile image

I formed an LLC for several of my projects and contact work. Excited to start part time consulting through my company.

osde8info profile image
Clive Da

hudson & jest :)

sabderemane profile image
Sarah Abd

Finish a feature from the start to the end and being officially graduated πŸ’ͺ🏽

jeferson_sb profile image
Jeferson Brito

I built a Full Stack web application using the Stack React, React Native and Node.js with Google geolocation.
Part of a bootcamp that I participated

andreirusu_ profile image
Andrei Rusu

I wrote a new essay-post on climate and ecology in the tech industry:

eclecticcoding profile image

Just finished my JavaScipt project for Flatiron and literally am one month away from graduating and searching for my first DEV job. 😺

souvik_ns profile image

Got my first ofline gig

loki profile image
Loki Le DEV

I finally finished the migration of all the company's python code to python 3! It took 3 weeks more or less to make sure everything works great.

ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

Getting my own blog site up and running and I stuck to my "one blog per week" goal. Seems small, but these little changes and commitments will continue to grow and flourish into good habits.

markoshiva profile image
Marko Shiva

Finished one project and scheduled 3 interviews for job positions that interest me.

gadse profile image

I finally found the time to play a good computer game for a few hours this week. I feel so recharged! πŸ₯³

ryands17 profile image
Ryan Dsouza

Gave a talk on Type Inference in React and Apollo on the ThisDotLabs online React meetup.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Learned a lot about unit testing using Vue Test Utils with Jest.

osde8info profile image
Clive Da

and PLEASE checkout you inbox ASAP for this weeks lose :(

dzhavat profile image
Dzhavat Ushev

Thanks. I hope you find it useful :)

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

Reduced my apps size from 62mb to 23mb!