I found this amazing cheat sheet for nearly all web concepts that I have ever encountered. Check it out at this link.
But this page made me wonder, what do other developers use to find out new things about a certain technology or concept?
I found this amazing cheat sheet for nearly all web concepts that I have ever encountered. Check it out at this link.
But this page made me wonder, what do other developers use to find out new things about a certain technology or concept?
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Top comments (8)
Nice link. I am going to tell how I sort the "old" things worth keeping, namely I bookmark them and add the proper meta-data (description, tags) with Bookmarks.dev . I have found "new" info recently a lot also on the dev.to community, if you follow the right tags...
As for technologies - it's mostly Java, Python, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes.
As for tools I used in my daily work - IntelliJ IDEA, Vim, Tmux, Kubectl, AWS CLI, Postman, Git.
Thanks for answering! How about learning concepts? Do you use books or a platform to learn new things?
Usually its books, blog posts and technical documentation. As for online platforms - I almost don't use them, seems such approach is not for me :)
Another one nice opportunity you can get something new - conferences, meetups and tech talks (unfortunately now mostly online).
Hi! Whenever I have a repetitive task I try to make it a plugin and upload to my plugin repository - sparrowhub.io , so next time I need it it's already here. š
When it comes to tools i use mostly- Eclipse, VS code, DBeaver, Sublime text, Postman, Git.
I would suggest using IntelliJ instead of Eclipse. I used Eclipse for some time but IntelliJ is an insanely powerful IDE! And how about your go to platform to learn new things?
Thanks for the tip will follow your suggestion. Earlier i used to follow udemy and youtube now i explored the dev.to and mostly i learning new things from here.