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Joan Peramás Ceras
Joan Peramás Ceras

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Exploring JavaScript's Modern Primitives: BigInt and Symbol

In the ever-evolving world of JavaScript, new features are introduced to tackle the limitations of the language and provide developers with more robust tools to build their applications. Two such features are the BigInt and Symbol primitives, both introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and later. These types bring new capabilities to JavaScript, allowing developers to handle large integers and create unique identifiers with ease.

Understanding BigInt

The BigInt type in JavaScript is designed to represent whole numbers larger than the safe integer limit of the Number type, which is (2^{53} - 1). The BigInt type allows you to work with numbers beyond this limit without losing precision, making it ideal for use cases in cryptography, scientific computation, and financial applications.

Creating BigInt Values

Creating a BigInt is straightforward. You can use the n suffix for literals or the BigInt constructor for strings or numbers:

// Using the 'n' suffix
const bigInt1 = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890n;

// Using the BigInt constructor
const bigInt2 = BigInt("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
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BigInt Operations

You can perform arithmetic operations with BigInt just like with regular numbers, but with some caveats. Operations between BigInt and Number require explicit conversion:

const bigInt = 100000000000000000000n;
const num = 2;

// Addition
const sum = bigInt + BigInt(num); // 100000000000000000002n

// Multiplication
const product = bigInt * 3n; // 300000000000000000000n

// Division
const quotient = bigInt / 2n; // 50000000000000000000n
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Considerations for BigInt

  • No Mixing Types: You must explicitly convert between BigInt and Number.
  • No Decimals: BigInt is strictly for whole numbers.
  • Performance: Operations may be slower than those with Number due to overhead.
  • JSON Compatibility: BigInt cannot be directly serialized to JSON.

Understanding Symbol

The Symbol type in JavaScript represents a unique and immutable value that can be used as an identifier for object properties. Symbols are especially useful in scenarios where property keys need to be unique or when you want to add metadata to objects without risking property name collisions.

Creating Symbols

Symbols are created using the Symbol() function. Each call returns a unique symbol:

const sym1 = Symbol();
const sym2 = Symbol('description');

console.log(sym1 === sym2); // false
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Using Symbols in Objects

Symbols are often used as keys for object properties, offering a form of private property:

const sym = Symbol('mySymbol');

const myObject = {
  [sym]: 'value'

console.log(myObject[sym]); // 'value'
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Symbols do not appear in standard property enumeration:

console.log(Object.keys(myObject)); // []
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(myObject)); // [ Symbol(mySymbol) ]
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Well-Known Symbols

JavaScript includes well-known symbols that allow you to modify behavior of built-in operations:

  • Symbol.iterator: Define custom iteration for objects.
  • Symbol.toPrimitive: Customize type conversion.
  • Symbol.toStringTag: Change the default string description.

Example of custom iteration:

const myIterable = {
  *[Symbol.iterator]() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

for (const value of myIterable) {
  console.log(value); // 1, 2, 3
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Global Symbol Registry

Symbols can be shared using the global symbol registry with Symbol.for() and Symbol.keyFor():

const globalSym1 = Symbol.for('globalSymbol');
const globalSym2 = Symbol.for('globalSymbol');

console.log(globalSym1 === globalSym2); // true
console.log(Symbol.keyFor(globalSym1)); // 'globalSymbol'
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The BigInt and Symbol primitives significantly enhance JavaScript's capabilities, offering solutions for handling large integers and creating unique property keys. By understanding and leveraging these modern primitives, developers can write more robust and flexible code, avoiding potential pitfalls associated with traditional data types. Whether you're dealing with large numerical values or need unique identifiers, these features can be indispensable tools in your JavaScript toolkit.

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