DEV Community

João Paulo Ávila
João Paulo Ávila

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Image Optimization and Lazy Loading

In the era of modern frontends, we often raise the question, "How do I make my application more performant?" In this article, I will discuss image optimization and lazy loading to help improve performance and make our application increasingly faster.

Images are always a problem in the life of frontenders.

Very large and heavy images can hinder our application in various aspects, from super slow loading when you have a not-so-fast internet connection, especially when on 3G or 4G, to the initial bootstrap on a desktop, failing to provide elegant feedback to the user. There are many other issues we encounter along the way as well, hehe.

Here, I present some good practice ideas to assist in application development and perhaps provide some tips for those facing this issue. We will use the NgOptimizedImage directive, which helps improve image loading speed.

We will create the project using the Angular CLI. I will assume you already know what we are talking about and import the NgOptimizedImage directive in the AppModule file. Remember that this directive is available from version 14.2.0 onwards.

import { NgOptimizedImage } from '@angular/common';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

// If you are using standalone, it can be done as below.

  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgOptimizedImage],
class StandaloneComponent {}
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Change the src property to ngSrc in your HTML template and it will also be necessary to set a width and height.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For responsive images, provide various sizes so the browser can choose the best one to render, thus avoiding performance loss.

  ngSrcset="200w, 400w, 600w, 800w, 1000w, 1200w, 1600w, 2000w, 3000w"
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The Angular NgOptimizedImage directive already loads images by default with lazy loading, but non-visible images should also be loaded this way.

For example, images in a carousel or those lower down the page do not need to be "loaded" when the page is first called. For this, we use another attribute to assist, which is priority.

  ngSrcset="200w, 400w, 600w, 800w, 1000w, 1200w, 1600w, 2000w, 3000w"
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With this, all images shown on the page to the user will be marked with priority and will load first. If you have a CDN, from this version of Angular onwards, you can add the provider provideImageKitLoader, making it easier to import images.

import { NgOptimizedImage, provideImageKitLoader } from '@angular/common';

  imports: [
  providers: [
export class AppModule { }
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By doing this, you only need to use the image name in the src, without always typing the full image path, as it will already be called in the provider.

  ngSrcset="200w, 400w, 600w, 800w, 1000w, 1200w, 1600w, 2000w, 3000w"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Below are some data showing the differences between using lazy loading and not.

Without Lazy Loading
Without Lazy Loading

With Lazy Loading
With Lazy Loading

These were some tips on how we can use image lazy loading to our advantage, bringing faster loading speeds to our pages and providing good usability for the user.

twitter @joaopaulo_avila

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