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John Rush
John Rush

Posted on

I pay for 78 products to run my 24 projects.

I pay for 78 products ➤ to run my 24 projects.

You know a better alternative? Let me know, and I may switch.

Hosting and Cloud Services

1) Digital Ocean for hosting.

2) AWS for hosting, storage, and CDN.

3) Hetzner for bare metal.

4) Heroku for db hosting.

5) Monovm for hosting.

6) Google Cloud.

7) Github for teams.

8) Vercel for nextjs hosting.

9) Supabase as CMS and DB.

10) MONGODB Atlas for nosql db

11) Microsoft Azure websites and tables

Web and Dev Tools

12) Apify Web Automation

13) Notion for docs

14) Figma for design and mockups

15) Canva for videos

16) Excalidraw for wireframes

17) BunnyCDN for images

18) TWILIO for SMS

19) Sendgrid for emails

20) Sensorpro for emails

21) FloatUI for UI tailwind kit

22) IMGIX for image resizer

23) ScreenshotOne for screenshot API

24) UploadCare for image upload and storage

25) Scrapingbee to scrape internet


26) Open AI for LLMs and image gen

27) Anthropic for claude LLM

28) Azure Open AI

29) Pinecone for vector db

Security, Testing and Monitoring

30) Cloudflare for ddos protection, IPs, storage, AI

31) New Relic for server monitoring

32) Sentry for js even logging

33) STATUSCAKE for uptime monitoring

34) Uptimerobot for uptime monitoring

35) GHOSTINSPECTOR for e2e visual testing

36) LAMBDATEST for e2e testing

37) Qase for testing

Communication and Collaboration

38) Zoom to record calls

39) Loom for async communication internally

40) Sinch Mailjet to send emails

41) Skype for shared US phone number

42) Slack for shared channels with enterprise clients

43) Microsoft Teams for enterprise clients

44) Google (Gsuite) for emails and drive

45) 1Password to share passwords across the team

46) Hubstaff to track hours to bill for enterprise clients

Marketing and Sales

47) Gumroad

48) Firstpromoter for affiliate partners

49) Crisp for customer support

50) Intercom for customer support

51) Mailtrap for emails

52) Stripe

53) Paddle

Legal & Accounting

54) Pandadoc for legal paperwork and docs

55) Quickbooks for accounting

56) Mercury for banking

57) Carta for captable


58) Proxysell for proxies

59) TLDR to record and transcribe meetings

60) VeeD for making videos

61) Grammarly to fix my dyslexia

62) X(Twitter) for verified badges

63) Facebook for ads

64) Google Adword

65) Godaddy & Namecheap for domains

66) Ipostal for a postal address

67) appliku for web application deployment

68) AWS SES for emails

69) Loops for campaigns

70) Google Play for android apps

71) Apple Dev Account for IOS apps

72) Black Magic for twitter

73) Zenvoice

74) Fibery for internal tooling

75) ChatGPT

76) Serper for google search via API

77) Indie Hackers portal subscription

78) startups dot com

‎Also, I use my own products

79) Unicorn Platform to build websites, waitlists, directories and landing pages.

80) FloatUI tailwind UI kit to code the frontend.

81) SeoBOT to research & generate blog articles.

82) ListingBott to grow domain rating and list my products on all web directories with one click.

83) IndexRusher to force google to index my web pages faster.

84) MarsX to build all my saas tools really fast using lowcode/AI IDE.


What products would you recommend?

Top comments (1)

fyodorio profile image

What products would you recommend

Tranquillisers? 😅

If serious, how do you control all of that? Hats off, but this is quite demoralizing for a beginner startupper…