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Jonas Brømsø
Jonas Brømsø

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Release 0.46.0 of Spellcheck (GitHub) Action - getting started on 2025

Version 0.46.0 of Spellcheck (GitHub) Action was released the other day.

The release is a maintenance release where the Docker base image was updated to python:3.13.1-slim-bookworm.

As written before the release process has been semi-automated, in that regard that I have moved from a bunch of manual steps to a script based process, which is a great improvement and it does make it easier to kick these releases out pretty fast doing baby-steps, where before I would postpone the work due to the many manual steps involved.

The script is written in Perl and it is available in the repository. The manual release process is also documented, but in the Wiki for the repository, so it is easy to see what the process is and the mentioned script is doing.

I have also created a diagram of the process using Mermaid, which is a great tool for creating diagrams in Markdown. Do note the Mermaid code was generated by: GitHub copilot. process outlined as flowchart

Here in 2025, I have started to use GitHub copilot much more for now it has been really awesome. I have used it for:

  • scaffolding a project, where I wanted to try out an API
  • explaing code and unfamiliar syntax, most often Shell scripts
  • and now generating a diagram from code

As for the action, more maintenance releases will be pushed when necessary. I am still pondering going over the open issues and PRs to see if a version 1.0.0 can be defined and there are still work to be done in the automation area.

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