
Cover image for How to Use the Next.js Image Component in Storybook

How to Use the Next.js Image Component in Storybook

Jonas Schumacher on July 21, 2021

In this post, we will be setting up Next.js and Storybook in a way that makes it possible to use Next.js' Image component in components rendered in...
damsalem profile image
Dani Amsalem

Very, very helpful! I'm also using as a CMS and had to use a fallback prop since I'm not passing in JSON data for each image. If anyone else wants to know what I did, I just used the OR operator like so:

  src={storyHero || urlFor(heroImage.url).auto("format").size(600, 338).url()}
  alt={storyAlt || heroImage?.alt}
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chema profile image
José María CL

Hey! Thank you so much! You've saved me a lot of time

jonasmerlin profile image
Jonas Schumacher

Glad it helped!

irveloper profile image
Irving Caamal

Works like a charm, thanks.

ryankilleen profile image
Ryan Killeen

This was a life-saver, thanks!

bilalmohib profile image
Muhammad Bilal Mohib-ul-Nabi

Thank you very much for sharing.It was really helpful.

xiaoyun profile image
Xiao Yun

Very helpful post. I struggled to find solution for 3 hours but no other blog could help me. I solved after reading this post.
Many thanks Jonas!!! :)

alfredosalzillo profile image
Alfredo Salzillo

It's not working for me

jonasmerlin profile image
Jonas Schumacher

Something might have changed since I wrote the post. Can you tell me more specifics? What is not working exactly? Do you get any error messages? Then I will try to update the post.

burdiuz profile image
Oleg Galaburda

Didn't work for me either. What worked for me is providing defaultProps with unoptimized = true in "preview.js"

import Image from 'next/image';

Image.propTypes = {
  unoptimized: null,

Image.defaultProps = {
  unoptimized: true,
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pmfeo profile image

Thank you both, guys! Oleg's tweak was needed as well in to make it work properly ("next": "12.1.6" + "@storybook/react": "^6.5.9")

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jonasmerlin profile image
Jonas Schumacher • Edited

Hey! Sorry, I'm currently working with neither next nor storybook anymore and frankly, don't have the time right now to go into this and comprehend what is going on. Still, this post seems to be pretty popular and I'd like it to be at least correct and runnable when people find it. Would you be willing to suggest the necessary changes to my post to make it map to what you had to do? I would then change the necessary parts and mark you as contributors. Would be really cool!

rpadovanni profile image
Rafael Padovani

Thank you for sharing, Jonas. I ran into this problem and your article helped me a lot!

jonasmerlin profile image
Jonas Schumacher

Hey Rafael, really glad to hear that! If you run into any other problems related to this, please tell me about them and your solution and I will add them to the post (with attribution to you of course).

kouliavtsev profile image

The -s public/ seems to be deprecated.

Use staticDirs: ['../public'] in main.js instead.

thamaragerigr profile image
Thamara Gerig • Edited

Very helpful! Thank you!

emrahburak profile image
Emrah Burak Gürbüz

Thank you, working...

mrscx profile image

Great article! Storybook has a add-on now which does this automatically with a few other things.


samuelguedesalves profile image
Samuel Guedes

Thank you so much!!!

cesaraz455 profile image
César Suárez

Muchisimas gracias. Enserio me sacó de un apuro!