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Python for Beginners: How to Get Started

Python is an easy-to-learn, powerful programming language that can be used in many different ways to create both small and large programs.

Its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java.

How do I start? ๐Ÿš€

The Python website is a community resource for you to learn Python. Whether you learn it by reading tutorials, taking online classes, or having a friend teach you, we hope you can find what you need to become successful.

Personally I like learning by doing. You can find over 200 Python Exercises here and another good book here.

The Python interpreter executes Python source code, which may be written in scripts or programs as well as interactively within a Python shell.

print("hello world")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Python source code is interpreted; it has no compilation step.

$ python
hello world
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once youโ€™ve learned the basics of Python, you can use it for many different applications.

Web Development ๐ŸŒŽ

Web development is one of the things Python is commonly used for. You can build simple blogs or complete web apps with just Python.

You can use it to do web development by creating dynamic websites with frameworks such as Django and Flask.

flask dashboard

There are also other web related frameworks like Tornado and it's very easy to deploy your Python apps online.

Desktop software ๐Ÿ’ป

So you want to write an awesome GUI interface for your Python app?

You can make desktop software with PyQt or tkinter. Both are GUI modules.

Both are similarly easy to use, and there's plenty of resources out there to help you create a fantastic GUI. But which one should you choose?

pyqt designer

If you want a modern looking GUI, I recommend going for PyQt. If you want a simple quick GUI for a tiny script you can opt for tkinter, as it only has a few widgets.

What else can Python be used for? ๐Ÿ

Python can be used for many things. Python is a general purpose programming language. This means it can be used for almost anything ๐Ÿ˜บ.

Python can be used to create games, such as Minecraft or Angry Birds, Snake or anything else. Programmers world wide use Python in both commercial and non-commercial projects.

It can be used for statistical computing. It can be used for artificial intelligence. It can be used for machine learning. It can be used for games, art, education, and science. Python is truly a jack-of-all-trades language.

Top comments (12)

developernationsurvey profile image
Developer Nation Survey

Python offers a large number of libraries with simple and flexible tools, which makes the job easier. Plus, it is one of the leading solutions that can work for ML and AI. Python has gained an extensive advantage over different programming languages and is being used for different projects.
What makes Python a great choice?

  1. Huge frameworks and libraries Building different ML and AI projects can be time-consuming. And at times, the coding process can be a complex one. However, many libraries are prewritten and compatible with Python, so developers prefer it over other languages. For instance, the Pybrain is used for machine learning, and Scipy is specifically used for advanced computing.
  2. Flexible platform Itโ€™s easier to bring any changes, which saves time. Additionally, it allows the developers to choose from different programming styles, following which they can combine various styles to create better projects. The language is suitable for linking different data structures and offers perfect backend solutions for programmers.
  3. Its quite popular
  4. Platform-independent nature It makes the entire process of building solutions more seamless and simple. Developers can work on multiple platforms without errors. By tweaking the codes, they can make the applications ready to run or go live in no time. Additionally, they can run the apps on different OS.
  5. Better visualization options
  6. Clear readability Unlike other programming languages, Python is not complex. Besides, ease of use plays a vital part in exchanging ideas, algorithms, and tools. As a result, AI professionals can use the language to bring minor or big changes to the project at any given time. Apart from the readability, there are tools available to create an interactive design. The external tools can help in debugging and tab completion. It can also help in testing.
  7. Rapid development and community support Python offers the benefit of prototyping, and if the developers are familiar with stacks, it saves time. Also, the developers donโ€™t have to waste time in the integration of AI. New developers can work quickly and hassle-free. Besides, the experts are always preparing to rescue new developers if they are stuck with the project. In every phase of the development cycle, you can take the help of experts.
jigar_online profile image
Jigar Shah

The details in the blog are very well put by you.

Any novice can get some basic idea about python programing and how to get started with the help of this blog. Python has quite distinctive features which makes it one of the popular languages for programming and scripting, according to StackOverflow developer survey 2022.

From general use cases like web and mobile app development to specific use cases like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, python has diverse set of applications. And big Tech Giants like google, Amazon, YouTube, DropBox, Netflix use python in various areas of their products. One of the major advantage of using python is that has extensive built in libraries and frameworks for different applications. Here is a list of top framework for different applications to get started with :

  • Web Development: Django, Flask, Pyramid
  • Data Science: TensorFlow, Keras, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
  • Automation: PyTest, Selenium, Robot Framework
  • Game Development: PyGame, PyKyra, Panda3D
  • API Development: Django Rest, Flask Restful, FastAPI
  • Mobile App Development: Kivy, BeeWare, PyMob

Also here is a list of 5 libraries of python one must know and learn in 2023 :

  • Pandas: Data Analysis
  • Numpy: Fast and efficient Numerical Computations
  • Scikit-learn: Machine Learning Library
  • Matplotlib: Creating Visualisations
  • OS: Interacting with operating system

To get more information related to python and discover more frameworks, libraries and applications of python check out this blog Python for Software Development.

wjplatformer profile image
Wj • Edited

How we can continue from here! :

  • Learn functions, lists and stuff
  • Learn the turtle module (getting into creating GUI's) and Tkinter
  • Pygame (the games part!)
  • Going onto GitHub and working on cool projects
  • Finding your own path and modules to learn!
  • Collaborate with other GitHub users
  • Maybe AI and Web servers (learning 2 of the most common uses of python)
  • Try being a full-stack dev! (HTML anyone?)
wjplatformer profile image
Wj • Edited


ajinkyax profile image
Ajinkya Borade

Being a JS dev I wanted to learn a Backend Language.
Choose Python since it felt similar.
I started learning python by making a 2D jRPG game since 1 month

Image description

Benefits of doing is your learning stick longer a with you, and itโ€™s addictive to make games than to play it.

My tips try and use Typings from beginning and learn python from small bite sized videos such that videos which show you what is Prototype vs Abc, data class or why super MRO is powerful, everything in Python is fun โœŒ๐Ÿฝ

swadin1 profile image

I started learning Python recently and tbh this blog is very informative. Thank you for such an insightful post. I took this Python Certification and started learning. Anyone learning python should have a look at this!

snorty18 profile image

I was searching for a Python blog for beginners and found your blog. Your blog is so informative, it will be so useful for beginners. If you want to learn more about Python from the basics to advance then you should do Python Training. It will help you to become a master in Python.

firmbeecom profile image
Firmbee • Edited

If you're looking for tools to start learning Python - Firmbee just released an e-book for beginners. There are over 60 pages of practical Python knowledge followed by ready to implement examples. Check out:

blahdeblah profile image


turry profile image


joethuku profile image

I'm thinking of using python to develop a

TimberYard management system project which GUI is the best

tahuruzzoha profile image
Tahuruzzoha Tuhin

You can find some usefull staff here: Benefits of Python and its use cases