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Josh Hornby
Josh Hornby

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How to quickly plan and estimate an MVP

This post outlines my tried & tested strategy for quickly planning and estimating MVP projects.
This process departs a little from Agile/Scrum best practices. There are no guarantees on estimation quality which I believe is impossible to do for software projects, but it helps to provide a rough guide for new projects.

Gather Requirements

In order to plan you need to know what you should be building.
The more questions you can ask in this step the easier you will find future steps.

Some questions to ask are:

  • Why are we building this?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • How many people do we expect to use this?
  • What does "Complete" look like to you?

Break down the work

Now you have gathered some requirements and have a better understanding of what needs
to be build it's time to start breaking down the work.

I like to split the work into Epics & User Stories.

Epics = A group of related user stories

User Stories = Short requirements or requests written from the perspective of an end user

Normally I start with the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) stories, for example: Create User, View User, Update User Marketing Preferences.

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