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My portofolio project

In the past few months I've been creating projects and learning about DS and Algorithms to apply for an internship in a company but I don't know if my portfolio is good.
I hope that you guys could help me with a review or some feedback to improve it.
I'm not feeling ready for the interviews but I know that I keep this mindset I will never get what I want.

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Top comments (17)

brockcaldwell profile image
Brock Caldwell

It is certainly a good looking website! I've also been working on my own portfolio, and I hope mine turns out as sleek as yours. I've been working on my CSS skills a lot lately, and have started adding subtle transitions to elements when they're hovered over.

My first suggestion would be to add a transition: scale(1.02) on hover to your cards in the project section. They will get a tiny bit larger when the mouse is hovering, which is a neat looking effect.

My second suggestion would be removing the

s in your footer.

My first suggestion is something that I think would add some decent value to the page, while my second suggestion is more of a personal preference.

Overall, it's a sharp looking site! Good luck in your interviews!

brockcaldwell profile image
Brock Caldwell

One more thing, you should center the project section header "My Projects".

jossa profile image

Thank you so much, I made those changes and it looks better!

brockcaldwell profile image
Brock Caldwell

That looks really good! Nice job!

vulcanwm profile image

This is really nice! Now try adding dark mode.

jossa profile image

That's a great idea! I will implement it. Thank you

vulcanwm profile image

No problem! Good luck!

shshank profile image

Love the speed and design, but would suggest to add a bit more information and I agree with @brockcaldwell adding transition effect will make it more awesome.

jossa profile image

What type of information are you talking about?
I just made those changes about the transition and you both were right, I like how it looks

alvi_niloy profile image
Alvi Adhikary Niloy

Looks awesome & modern . Great work !

mrepol742 profile image
Melvin Jones Repol

I love how fast your site load. and it looks fantastic too.

pranaitism profile image

Great job mate. I would suggest to look at your website on mobile phone and fix text overflow as at the moment see live link is jumping out of container.

ahamsammich profile image
Andre Hammons

This looks great! It's clean, yet eye-catching. I'm also looking to create my own portfolio site. Yours definitely inspires me!

damian_cyrus profile image
Damian Cyrus

Hi, your page surprised me a lot, in a good way. Nice animations!

Next to the good hints from all I have to add one thing: I checked it on my mobile phone and the cards seem to have a max height, the content is breaking through the bottom. This happens to me, because the headlines break into two lines.

You should remove that max-height for mobile view.

Else very nice!

jwp profile image
John Peters

On Githib?

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ

Looks nice, but seems massively over-engineered... 467KB of JS!!! Yikes - this page should - from the looks of it - require almost no JS

jossa profile image

Oh I think it's just because I use nextJS