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Jp Lazaro
Jp Lazaro

Posted on

Containerize your NodeJS App using Docker and deploy it to Azure Container Apps

In this blog you will be able to learn the following

  • Containerize your node app using Dockerfile
  • Build and create your own image using docker
  • Setup your Azure Services like resource group, Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Env and Azure Container Apps
  • Setup your Azure Container Registry and Setup Access Keys
  • Deploy your image to Azure Container Registry
  • Create your Azure container app via Azure CLI

Create a folder and open it in VS code
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Open terminal and initialize node project
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It will generate package.json
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Let’s install express.js
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Let’s create express API

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Configure package.json to run the app
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Lets run the app

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Create dockerfile

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Create docker ignore

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Next step is installing docker desktop in our local computer.
Once installed, let's open it, and explore

These are the containers available in your computer. As you can see there are no containers yet.
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These are the images available in your computer. As you can see there are no images yet.
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These are the image builds available in your computer. As you can see there are no image builds yet.
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Now let's build our new image using docker command :

docker build -t azdockernode .
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Check the docker desktop > Builds : you will see it is now building your image

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Once completed it will be available in Images list in your docker desktop
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Let's install Azure CLI
Download the installer from the official website of microsoft
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Login our azure account

az login
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Create resource group

 az group create  --name myrg1 --location eastus
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Create Azure Container Registry

az acr create  --resource-group myrg1  --name myrg1acr1 --sku Basic  --location eastus 
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You can now see your ACR in your resource group
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Now, let's setup the access key so we can publish our local image later on.

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Click the admin button
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it will generate username and password, later we will use this credentials to push our image to this azure container registry

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Let's login our ACR in terminal
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We need to tag our local image to Azure container registry

docker tag azdockernode
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We need to tag our local image to Azure container registry

docker tag azdockernode
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Now let's push our image to the Azure Container Registry

docker push
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To verify the completion of push. You can go to azure portal > myrg1acr1 (your Azure container registry)> repository

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Next step is to create Azure Container Apps Environment

az containerapp env create   
--name mycontainerenv1 
--resource-group myrg1
--location eastus 
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Finally, lets create the container app

az containerapp create 
--name mycontainerapp1 
--resource-group myrg1 
--environment mycontainerenv1 
--cpu 1 
--memory 2Gi 
--target-port 3000 
--ingress external 
--registry-username myrg1acr1 
--registry-password <<PASSWORD FROM Azure Container Registry Admin>>
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once successful you will see some json like this
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We can verify again in the Azure Portal if it's created

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Finally, you made it!
Thank you for reading!

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