DEV Community

Jude Nyamekye Koomson
Jude Nyamekye Koomson

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First Open Source Contribution πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»


This October was my first Open Source contribution and I am glad to part of it.
I've found a real passion for contributing to open source and am always excited about the opportunity to give back to the community. My journey in Hacktoberfest 2023 led me to explore new projects and collaborate with amazing developers from around the world. Check out my contributions on my GitHub profile.

Highs and Lows

One of the highs this month was getting my pull request merged into a project I've been using as a developer for quite some time. The sense of accomplishment was profound, and it reinforced my love for coding and collaboration.

On the flip side, I encountered a particularly stubborn bug in one of my submissions. Despite the initial frustration, this roadblock turned into a learning opportunity. It taught me to reach out more to the community, and with some guidance from seasoned maintainers, I was able to overcome the challenge. This was a reminder of the power of community in open source.


My learning goals have certainly evolved. I now aim to contribute more regularly to open-source projects, not just in October. Professionally, I've become more interested in backend development thanks to the projects I've contributed to. Hacktoberfest has been a catalyst for this growth, and I'm excited to see where these new skills will take me in my career.

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