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Video Monetization Strategies: How To Generate Revenue from Online

Video monetization is the process of monetizing the videos you share online on any site. This is usually gained through advertising, subscriptions, or direct transactions.

The easy terms of :

Video monetization is growing paid for the videos you create.
People watch, like, or subscribe, and you get paid for it. The more people you see (or, the more subscribers you have), the more you earn.

Now, when you monetize your videos online, you will not get paid for the video creation process. Meaning, no one is likely to pay you to go out with your camera and record. Instead, you get paid for access.

It may be:

  • Access to your videos
  • Access to your audience
  • Access to your platform

People will pay you to watch your videos or send a message to your audience. Here are some daily examples you may know:

Access to videos: Going to the cinema to "access" the latest blockbuster hit.

Access to the audience: Advertisements between TV shows that "access" your attention.

Access to platform: Your monthly (Netflix, Amazon &, etc.,) subscription to "access" their video library.

You will notice that the director went out and paid you directly to create the next series of Luke Cage. But, you are happy to pay for the opportunity to see it.

This brings me squarely to your videos.

You must use access to monetize your content. This, fortunately for you and me, is very easy to do in today’s customized video world.

How To Monetize Videos: 3 Successful Ways To Sell Videos Online

There are three content monetization options for you to choose from. These are all based on a concept called Video on Demand (VOD).

VOD means the user can access a video at any time. Didn't check the TV guide or wait for a show to air. This is where a button is pressed.

If you are interested, you can learn more about VOD in our breakdown. But now all you need to know is that it is profitable.
However, the method you choose will indicate how profitable it is.

AVOD: Advertising Video On Demand

AVOD is where advertisers pay to place their ads in front of your audience. This is the classic way around YouTube.
When you watch a YouTube video, you get an ad at the beginning or somewhere within the content. I have often seen this hell of an ad on, which shows up in my dreams:
People who see or interact with the ads in your videos make more money. Those with large follower sites have the potential to make a lot of money.

AVOD does not require a lot of prior effort to set up, at least it may seem like a path of resistance. But don't jump on the bandwagon and try it again.

SVOD: Subscription Video On Demand

SVOD is operated by users who pay a regular subscription fee to access your videos.

If you have a Netflix subscription you know this. You pay monthly to watch videos from their library, and when you stop paying, you lose access. This is the most profitable way to make money with your videos.

TVOD: Transactional Video On Demand

People here pay to see this content. It is often divided based on a video or each series.

If you've ever downloaded a video from iTunes or the Play Store, you've enjoyed the DVD. You can create accounts and access the site for free (or cheaply) and then pay only for the videos you decide to watch.

This is another system that is very profitable for the right market. Especially if you are selling videos covering different topics and professions, you are not focusing on one particular subject.

How can I monetize my videos online?

Collaborate with outside companies in marketing programs, sponsorships and partnerships to monetize your video content. You can also earn money by selling digital products to your video subscribers, such as paid video membership, online courses and digital downloads.

Provide exclusive content

When delivering content to your audience based on any importance, make sure you deliver unique and valuable content that has the power to impress your users. Short format video content can be fun and entertaining and will attract users who follow a busy schedule. Similarly, long-format content works better in some formats. Use your content wisely and it will help you earn more revenue.

Avoid intrusive monetization strategies

Your monetization strategy needs to be integrated into your content. Never pay your users in between watching videos. Place the monetization form in the right places so they do not penetrate it.

Explore creative ways to make money

Rather than following the single online video monetization model, explore other inventive ways to make money. You can experiment with a freemium model or ask your audience for full access to unlimited content or approach advertisers to fund your content.

Provide a kind of content

Whether you rely on ads, charge a subscription, or offer a paid view of your video monetization strategy, you need to make sure you have a rich content library. Visitors want to see more, so your video site needs to be updated with new content from time to time.

If you choose to monetize by subscription

If you are offering subscription packages to your visitors, make sure you offer a flexible price and choose a secure payment service provider.

If you allow ads

If you allow ads to run on your video platform, allow ads to run for 5 seconds and skip it. When multiple viewers interfere with the inevitable 15-30 second ads, they will never add it to your actual content.

What is the best way to monetize videos?

When deciding how to monetize video content, it is important to know your audience, your brand message, and your general intentions. Each monetization model comes with its pros and cons, which we have already discussed. Certain types of content need a specific monetization model. For example, an online streaming transaction goes better with VOD, where visitors can purchase tickets for the event online.

When using ads on your videos, you need to be very careful as this will cause frustration for most users. However, if your content is entertaining and the ads you integrate into your videos are consistent with the content types you are offering, they may not want to see it.

If you have consistent content in the streaming, it will keep your users engaged and happy for a long time, and choosing the subscription model will prove to get the best results. The tip is to choose a video monetization site that fits your business needs and goals.


Choosing the right video monetization model for your streaming business can be very challenging. However, you can achieve grand success by following a well-planned way of choosing money-making techniques. In the absence of a one-size-fits-all monetization strategy, you need to customize revenue-generating techniques to suit your business needs and goals.

Top comments (4)

meryemrai profile image

I study the beginning and it’s outstanding! Thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this blog into a how to monetization video content using avod vs svod.

krithiga profile image

Great work! the blog helps to Video Monetization Strategies and How To Generate Revenue from Online and also refer our flicknexs platform

scarlettjohnson6321 profile image

There are many different monetization model is provided to online video platform and the most commonly used are a.)AVOD b.)SVOD c.) TVOD