DEV Community

What is the most fun coding language?

Kaamkiya on November 27, 2023

What is, in your opinion, the most fun coding language? What exactly makes it fun? (Not including markup languages, i.e. HTML) I personally like ...
sedwin97 profile image

Perl can be a very fun language. It gives you the ability to do so much that you can write some really cool code that other languages would never allow. That being said, the fact that Perl does that is also why it is the most hated language. I enjoyed it for a little while but I got really sick of it as I wrote more complex scripts.

Just to highlight my point, in Perl's own documentation it says

...Perl always gives you enough rope to hang yourself with if you ask for it

You can make some really cool knots with that rope but you could end up with that knot around your own neck.

And sometimes you don't know that the rope is around your neck as this person stated

Perl idea of freedom is to give you enough rope to hang yourself, if you are tempted to. But sometimes I got paranoid feeling that there is enough rope around my neck, and I cannot feel it ... yet, but rope is still there. Sometimes I am making decisions without fully understanding the price I just agreed to pay.

kaamkiya profile image
Kaamkiya • Edited

Perl might be good for short scripts, but it does get worse as you go on to make larger projects. I haven't used it in a while (I only wanted to try it out), but it does seem to give you a lot of rope.

joestrout profile image

I'll make a pitch here for MiniScript. It's small enough to be described in a single page, but powerful enough to make real apps and games like these.

kaamkiya profile image

I've never heard of it, but it seems really cool! I found the one-page docs, it is really small :)

joestrout profile image

Thanks! It is cool. :) In case anybody wants a fun excuse to jump in, there's a MiniScript community Advent of Code contest starting on Friday (with prizes!).

timgabrikowski profile image
Tim Gabrikowski

Sounds quite fun. Will definitely give it a try!

nombrekeff profile image

The one you know and like

kaamkiya profile image

That's true. Which one is that for you?

nombrekeff profile image

Very unoriginal answer, but I've had the most fun making stuff with JS. It's versatile and gives creative freedom on how to write it. it's not the most "fun" language hehe but you can have a lot of fun with it.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Ruby 🙂

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)

Rust, because it makes it easy to debug. Everyone knows less debugging is more time playing video games.

m0n0x41d profile image
Ivan Zakutnii


m0n0x41d profile image
Ivan Zakutnii

It seems that Rust is the most fun programming language, thanks to these awesome 'conversations' with the compiler. :D :D :D

kaamkiya profile image

Doesn't it tell you exactly what the error is, where it is, how to fix it, and give you more info if you ask? That's what I've heard :)

m0n0x41d profile image
Ivan Zakutnii

Yes, yes! That's exactly what I mean here! All these conversations are really short and straightforward.

firststeptechnology profile image
Makita Tunsill

HTML was my first and obviously a very important one. I'm not a pro at it but I do understand it. Currently learning Python since I've been hearing so much about it. Now yall got me thinking about see what RUST is about.


dgihost profile image
Gurpinder Singh

php is also easy language...!

crazycga profile image
James • Edited

Does LOLCAT count? 🤪

Edit: or INTERCAL?

kaamkiya profile image

I couldn't find LOLCAT, but I found LOLCODE. It's hilarious 🤣

crazycga profile image

Damn I been at this too long. You're right it was LOLCODE. Never wrote much but hello world in it. INTERCAL is funny too in case you didn't see that part.

henrik1969 profile image
Henrik Sørensen

Hahaha I almost forgot about esolang :D

I had to have some help with this one from gpt because I really stink at this language ... but .... I present the factorial algorithm in runable Shakesphere :

The Tragedy of Factorius, the Brave.

Julius, a positive integer.
Brutus, a temporary variable.
Caesar, the result.

                Act I: The Quest for Factorial.

                Scene I: The Meeting of Julius and Brutus.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

[Enter Julius and Brutus]

You are as brave as the sum of yourself and a mighty hero! % Increment Julius

You are as amazing as the sum of yourself and a big fat zero! % Set Brutus to 1

                Scene II: The Calculation.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

[Enter Caesar]

Am I better than Julius?

If not, let us proceed to Scene III.
You are as noble as the product of Julius and yourself.

[Exit Brutus]

                Scene III: The End.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You are as lovely as the sum of yourself and a big fat zero.


bop profile image

Clojure. I think lisp in general is really fun.

kaamkiya profile image

Lisp is kinda cool, I've been thinking about trying it. For now though, I'm sticking to normal stuff.

bop profile image

Lisp is normal to me now

m0n0x41d profile image
Ivan Zakutnii

I bow to you, sir

fyodorio profile image

Folks talk about their favorite languages here but at the same time most of them are not fun at all, just pleasant and habitual to work with. IMHO the most funny languages to play with are scripting languages because they give a lot of freedom and have a lot of interesting opinionated approaches and patterns. I’m talking about JS, Python, and (my favorite) Lua, as the most popular among the ton of scripting languages. Lua specifically is the real fun with its consistent approach to lists and dictionaries, and no zero index, and all that funky stuff. It’s like a chill-out experience after hard working day 😄

citronbrick profile image

Kotlin. Quite literally !

henrik1969 profile image
Henrik Sørensen

I once (in c++) wrote a direct interpretation of the original Turing machine, and tried it out on different algorithms. Not exactly the most efficient approach, but it was a really fun exercise. I also implemented a von Neuman machine as a low level scripting language. That was fun too .. and quite instruct able (phun intended) ;) The entire read parse act cycle is actually a very usable concept for a lot of work, and implementing small eso-languages and interpreters is actually a quite usefull thing to be able to.

The thing I find fun is to test out concepts and try to implement them. Its not enough for me to just get a program up and running as fast as possible, but to play around with ideas. For instance implementing really screwy stuff, like an interpreter that only uses stacks and only have a byte as type, but have build in instruction tables for reading from stdin and printing to stdout. Thats fun and that is very independent of language, because as soon as I have it in one language, I will automatically get an urge to try it out in another. That is free play in coder land. It is like making a hole with the drill and go ... hmm but can I do it with ?

arthurarakelyan profile image
Arthur Arakelyan

Funniest language is Brain....

kaamkiya profile image

Definitely. It's the weirdest thing ever.

dgihost profile image
Gurpinder Singh

The "most fun" coding language can vary greatly depending on personal preferences, interests, and the specific project you're working on. Some languages might be more enjoyable for certain tasks or applications. Here are a few languages that many people find enjoyable for different reasons:

Python: Known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility, Python is often considered a fun language for beginners and experienced programmers alike. It has a vast ecosystem of libraries and can be used for a wide range of applications from web development to data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

JavaScript: Widely used in web development, JavaScript allows you to create interactive and dynamic web applications. Its flexibility and ability to manipulate web pages in real-time can make coding enjoyable, especially for front-end developers.

Ruby: Often praised for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly nature, Ruby is known for its focus on simplicity and productivity. It's commonly used in web development, particularly with the Ruby on Rails framework, which can make coding web applications more enjoyable for some developers.

Swift: If you're interested in developing iOS or macOS applications, Swift can be a fun language to work with. It's designed by Apple and is known for its modern syntax, safety features, and ease of learning, especially for those getting into app development for Apple devices.

Scratch: While not a traditional programming language, Scratch is a visual programming language designed for kids to learn programming concepts in a fun and interactive way. It uses colorful blocks to create animations, games, and stories, making it enjoyable for beginners.

Ultimately, the "most fun" coding language is subjective and depends on your interests, what you're trying to accomplish, and your personal coding style. Trying out different languages and projects can help you discover which one you find most enjoyable to work with.

Thanks for reading,

dgihost profile image
Gurpinder Singh

Actually it's Dependence on Mood, Knowledge, and Experience. The "fun" and "ease" of a coding language can vary from person to person based on their familiarity, interest, and experience with different languages.

Experience and Knowledge from Live Projects: Engaging in real projects and problem-solving contributes significantly to one's understanding and proficiency in a particular language. Practical experience helps in gauging the fun and ease of working with a programming language.

eljayadobe profile image

Toss up between D, Python, and F♯.

ori75660 profile image
Ori Roza

Python ;)

shuttle_dev profile image
