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Kalu David
Kalu David

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React vs. Vanilla JavaScript: A Comparative Analysis

Frontend development is an essential part of creating engaging and interactive web applications. In this article, I'll be comparing React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Vanilla JavaScript, the core language itself without any frameworks or libraries. We'll explore the differences between these two approaches, their unique strengths, and what makes them suitable for different use cases. As a participant in the HNG internship, I am excited to delve deeper into React and its applications.


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React is a powerful JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications. React allows developers to create large web applications that can update and render efficiently in response to data changes.

Key Features:

  • Component-Based Architecture: React encourages the creation of reusable UI components.
  • Virtual DOM: Efficiently updates and renders components.
  • JSX Syntax: Allows HTML to be written within JavaScript.
  • State Management: Handles dynamic data and user interactions effectively.
  • Ecosystem: Rich set of tools and libraries like React Router, Redux, and more


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Vanilla JavaScript refers to using plain JavaScript without any additional libraries or frameworks. It provides a fundamental way to create web applications, giving developers complete control over their code.

Key Features:

  • Flexibility: No constraints from a framework; you can structure your code as you like.
  • Performance: No overhead from frameworks; performance depends solely on your code.
  • Simplicity: No need to learn additional syntax or concepts beyond JavaScript itself.
  • Browser Compatibility: Direct access to the DOM and native browser APIs.


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Vanilla JavaScript often offers better performance since there's no overhead from a framework. However, React optimizes performance with its Virtual DOM, making updates efficient even for complex applications.

Ease of Use
React simplifies development with its component-based architecture and state management, making it easier to build and maintain complex UIs. Vanilla JavaScript requires more manual DOM manipulation and state management, which can become cumbersome for larger applications.

Learning Curve
Vanilla JavaScript has a lower initial learning curve since it's just plain JavaScript. React introduces additional concepts like JSX, components, and state, which require some learning but provide powerful tools for building dynamic UIs.

Community and Ecosystem
React boasts a large and active community with extensive documentation, tutorials, and third-party libraries. This ecosystem accelerates development and provides solutions for common problems. Vanilla JavaScript relies on native browser APIs and lacks the same level of pre-built solutions, requiring more custom development.

Use Cases

React is ideal for:

  • Single-page applications.
  • Projects requiring dynamic data and real-time updates.
  • Large-scale applications with reusable components.

Vanilla JavaScript is suitable for:

  • Simple web pages and projects.
  • Learning and understanding fundamental web development concepts.


Both React and Vanilla JavaScript have their unique strengths and use cases. While Vanilla JavaScript provides flexibility and simplicity, React offers powerful tools and an extensive ecosystem for building complex applications. The choice between them depends on the project requirements and the developer's preferences.


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As part of the HNG internship, I am eager to deepen my knowledge of React. React's component-based approach and powerful ecosystem are perfect for building scalable and maintainable applications. I look forward to learning advanced React techniques, contributing to exciting projects, and growing as a frontend developer.

For more information about the HNG internship, check out these links:

HNG Internship
HNG Hire

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