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Kenneth Mahon
Kenneth Mahon

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Exploring More Concept Of Linux Administration Techniques

Hey guys!! I'm back as i promised. So far in this journey we have gained valuable insights into Linux and DevOps. lets dive more into Linux. ride me with guys. Let's Gooooo

How to Check Os version

  • ls /etc/release: This is use to check the current Os the user is operation on

the result shows the user in on /etc/lsb-release

  • cat /etc/release : To View More details

outcome of the command

Download Files

  • Curl (url) -O : use to download file and save it. then use the "ls" command to check for the file you downloaded

document.pdf downloaded

  • wget (url) -O name of file : also use to download file

Vi and Vim

Vi is a built-in text Editor in Linux while Vim is an improved version of Vi. This Text Editor edit a file and can also create a file. let's take a look at how to use it

  • vim filename : this is use to open a file and make it available for editing. it could be a new file or already existing file

Input command


now, let now input words into the opened file. so how do we go about it?
"press i" to be able to edit the opened file

Edited file
looking at the image well, you will discover that "insert" shows at the left bottom of the opened file when you press "i". it shows you are in the editing mode

"press esc" on your keyboard to return back to command mode


notice you can no longer see "insert" at the let bottom of the opened file. when in command mode, the following commands are useful

  • :wq is use to save the changes made on the file and quit the vim

  • :q is use to quit vim without making changes

  • dd is use to delete a line

  • x is use to delete words one after the other

Note: use the cat command to check the changes done on the file


Installing Software on Linux

Package Manager tools are mostly used when installing software on linux such as the "Advance Package Tool". Let's get our hands busy

  • Sudo apt search (package name) : is use to search for a give package

searching for figlet

  • sudo apt install (package name) : it is use to install given package

Installation in progress

Installation successful
we have successfully installed java.

  • sudo apt (package name1)(package name2) : is use to install multiple packages with one command

  • package name --version : is use to check the version

Image description

  • sudo apt remove (package name) : is use to remove a given package

thanks Guys for following up and sharing in my DevOps journey. day 5 loading...........

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