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JWT Token

What is JWT token?
JWT stands for JSON web Token. It makes a secure way to identify a signed user and serve information to the user. It shares information between two parts. They are server-side and client-side. JWT token saves the information by a special token.
Why use JWT token?
JWT is a standard way to make a security system more strong. Now almost every modern app or web authority uses JWT tokens to give security to their users. JWT is a secure way to authenticate a user and share information. JWT saves user information with a secret token. The spatial token carries the information into it.
How JWT works?
JWT commonly contains some claims. These claims determine that who uses the token, how long it is valid and what permissions the client will get. The JWT token is made up of three parts and these are separated by dot(.). Once a client will get authenticated a unique token will generate for him. And this unique token saves some information about the authenticated user. When the token will be decoded it gives a JSON string. In this JSON string, we will get three things

  1. Header
  2. Payload
  3. Signature

The header contains the type of token

The payload contains all claims. This is a JSON object. The information verifies the user and performs the action that the user requests.

The signature makes sure that the token has not changed

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