DEV Community

Kieran Bond
Kieran Bond

Posted on

You're not your code, but you are a person

You'll often read that you shouldn't be offended if somebody negatively comments on your merge request; because you're not your code. Well, I disagree.

Kind of.

But let's get this straight first: You are not your code.

That does not mean it is ok to be negative and mean on a merge request. Anybody who needs to, read that again.

When that meanie on your team comments in a negative way on your merge request - be offended. Let them know, because it really isn't ok. It's a work environment (maybe) and besides; everybody deserves to be treated nicely.

Don't get me wrong here. I am not saying you should take offence when somebody says that you should not be using a Singleton pattern there.. they are probably right πŸ˜‰
Constructive Code Criticism is a good and needed thing from every perspective - but the key word there is constructive. That's why it's important to remember that you are not your code. People do want to help you improve, or may just have a different opinion on how to implement something and that's perfectly ok!

So, reviewers, listen here: Be kind. Don't beat around the bush, let them know your opinion but make sure you're not an ass about it. Challenge the code and the thinking behind it, respectfully.

Instead of being mean, inspire others and help them grow.

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