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Kimaya Nazum
Kimaya Nazum

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How to Create Invoices in Salesforce Using Docs Made Easy A Salesforce Document Generation App

Invoicing, once a cumbersome manual process, has evolved dramatically with automation, bringing efficiency and accuracy to businesses of all sizes. Salesforce users can further streamline their invoicing process with the integration of Docs Made Easy, a versatile application available on the Salesforce AppExchange. This app excels in generating not just invoices but also contracts, quotes, reports, and presentations seamlessly.

Benefits of Invoice Automation with Docs Made Easy

Automated invoicing offers numerous advantages:

  • Time Savings: Eliminates manual data entry and processing time.

  • Error Reduction: Minimizes human errors, ensuring accurate invoices.

  • Scalability: Easily scales as your business grows without increased overhead.

  • Enhanced Customer Relationships: Provides prompt and accurate invoices, improving customer satisfaction.

  • Insightful Reporting: Generates valuable insights into financial data and trends.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Invoices with Docs Made Easy

If you've installed Docs Made Easy and are ready to streamline your invoicing process, follow these steps:

1.Document Setup:

Navigate to the Document Setup section within Docs Made Easy.

2. Fill in Information and Create:

Enter the required details and click on the "Create" button to initiate the invoice creation process.

3. Gather Data:

Define your data queries as per your invoice requirements or proceed to the next step.

4. Add Template:

Toggle to select an existing template or upload a new one.

5. Insert Fields:

Use the "Insert Field" option to place fields within your template. This can include standard and custom Salesforce object fields.

6. Customize Template Header:

If needed, add fields to the template header for comprehensive customization.

7. Save Template:

Once your template is customized, save it for future use.

8. Assign Behaviors:

Set up behaviors according to your preferences to enhance functionality.

9. Add Button to Page Layout:

Navigate to your Salesforce Page Layouts to add a button for generating invoices.

10. Access Invoice Generation:

Use the App Launcher to find and select your object (e.g., Account).

11. Generate Invoice:

Choose the relevant record and click on the invoice generation button.

12. Merge Document:

Review and merge the document to generate your finalized invoice.

13. Completion:

Your invoice is now ready for use, tailored to your business requirements.


Automating your invoicing process with Docs Made Easy not only saves time and reduces errors but also enhances the overall efficiency of your Salesforce operations. By following the outlined steps, you can quickly and effectively create customized invoices that meet the specific needs of your business. For further information or to explore the latest updates, visit the Salesforce AppExchange and discover the capabilities of Salesforce Document Generation with Docs Made Easy today.

Want to Explore More Ways to Streamline Invoice Creation?

For additional detailed steps with screenshots, visit our comprehensive guide Steps To Create Invoice in Salesforce . Discover how Docs Made Easy can further enhance your invoicing process in Salesforce.

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